Sauna for weight loss

Many talk about the benefits of a weight loss sauna, but at the same time, many people are skeptical that this method helps to get rid of the liquid, and the weight returns even faster than with a regular weight loss diet. Let's try to understand the question, does the sauna help to lose weight.

Can I lose weight in the sauna?

In absolutely any steam room - whether infrared (IR), Finnish sauna for weight loss or the usual bath, most importantly - the body actively removes salts through the skin, toxins, toxins, washing it all away with the allocation of a large amount of liquid. Thus, the weight really decreases, but the fat does not split, but remains with you. Disappears only the liquid, which is recovered in the shortest possible time.

On the other hand, cleansing the body of toxins can accelerate metabolism, which makes the body work faster and consumes more energy, calories. Thus, a slimming sauna is an excellent adjuvant that will help you indirectly to help maintain a healthy metabolism and remove toxins.

However, if you are wondering about how to lose weight in the sauna, then do not expect a lasting effect. You just expel fluid, fat burning does not happen.

Similarly, we see the use of the sauna belt for weight loss. The effect will be the same. However, if you help the body and use various supporting measures in parallel with sports and healthy nutrition, the effect you will achieve much faster.

How to lose weight with the help of sauna?

The main condition for using a sauna for weight loss is an abundance of liquid. If you want to speed up the metabolism and wash the slag, you need to actively help in this your body. The best way to do this is to consume a lot of liquid, ideally water. It is water that has no calories and will not give the opposite effect.

For the effect to be stable, it is recommended to visit the sauna or bath regularly, once a week.

It is very important in an effort to lose excess pounds do not hurt yourself. Each person has an individual sensitivity, and no doctor will tell you exactly how much it is safe for you to spend in the sauna, and how many - already no. That is why carefully listen to your feelings and when there is discomfort immediately leave the steam room. Before using this method, it is worth consulting with a doctor, because in some cardiological and neurological diseases the sauna is prohibited.