Water starvation

Water starvation - a way, weight loss, purification and recovery of the whole body, which was used in ancient times. Only to decide on the use of this method, you need to think carefully and consult with your doctor. Otherwise, a sharp refusal to eat and switching to water can negatively affect your health.

Water starvation for weight loss

When you are convinced that you are healthy, you can start fasting. It is important to understand that haste in this matter is completely inappropriate, everything needs to be done gradually and deliberately.

The rules of water starvation:

  1. First, give up lunch, and after dinner. During the week you should only eat light food and drink water.
  2. Particular attention should be given to the quality of water. You should choose mineral non-carbonated or ionized water, or, green tea.
  3. The next stage of starvation - a day on the water. To do this, it is best to choose the day when you are not working. The week before, reduce to a minimum or refuse to eat sugar, fat and caffeine.

How to spend a day on the water?

When you wake up, immediately drink 2 tablespoons. water. During the day, as soon as you feel that you want to eat, drink again 2 tablespoons. water. At noon, you should gradually drink a bottle of mineral water. On such a day, the hunger will be particularly acute at around 15:00. At this time, green tea and water will help you.

Exit from water starvation

Water starvation must be completed at 8 pm. Again you need to start eating gradually, so that the stomach does not stop and you do not feel any discomfort. First it is recommended to drink 1 tbsp. diluted orange juice or grapes. After an hour you can eat an apple or a pear and then go to sleep. In the morning, drink a couple of st. water, and for breakfast, eat oatmeal cooked in milk and fruits .

Stick to water starvation can be more time, but to cleanse the body is enough and one day a week.