Diet with acne and bad skin - which products to exclude?

Acne is a skin disease that occurs during inflammatory processes in the sebaceous glands. Treatment of acne with medicines and cosmetics will not give the desired results if the patient neglects proper nutrition. Diet with acne will help get rid of pathological manifestations and prevent complications.

Diet in the treatment of acne

Proper nutrition improves skin condition, and sometimes completely cleanses of rashes. Their manifestation is often associated with impaired functions of the digestive system. Diet against acne eliminates the use of fatty, salty, spicy and smoked food. A balanced diet will help in a short period of time to improve the functioning of the intestines and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. The state of the skin is affected by food, it must be diverse and include useful nutrients for the body. Diet with acne is an integral part of complex treatment, and will help the patient:

Gluten-free diet with acne

Gluten is a gluten-containing substance, which is a part of a number of cereal plants, mango, pasta. It can be found in soy sauce and some varieties of sausage products. Gluten-containing foods can adversely affect the digestive system. They damage the mucous membrane, which disrupts the absorption of nutrients.

A gluten-free diet for getting rid of acne should not include foods that make up this vegetable protein. These include wheat, rye, oats, barley. It is not found in rice, corn, buckwheat, legumes and potatoes. Gluten-free diet for acne and acne cardinally changes the usual diet. But many get used to do without "harmful" products with gluten and do not return to the old way of life.

Non-carbohydrate diet with acne

The process of skin cleansing depends not only on proper care of it, but also on the composition of the diet. Many foods contain carbohydrates. They support the functions of the digestive system, but their rate for a person is up to 30 grams per day. The excess causes problems in the body: blood sugar levels increase, body weight increases and acne develops.

Selecting the right diet, nutritionists always limit or exclude the use of foods rich in carbohydrates.

  1. When a diet is made from acne and acne, the menu includes boiled fish and seafood, natural meat and eggs, greens and vegetables.
  2. Fats should be consumed only natural, preference is given to vegetable and olive oil.

Hypoallergenic diet for acne

Clean the skin from rashes help useful foods. They will relieve the symptoms and ease the condition. Proper nutrition with acne and bad skin, which appear rashes, is necessary for any degree of disease. Adjust your menu for allergic manifestations is not prohibited by doctors, but at the first signs of the disease you must definitely visit a specialist.

A person who adheres to a hypoallergenic diet should distribute the daily food intake in equal portions. Nutrition with acne is recommended fractional, even a healthy body does not always cope with a heavy load. Nutritionists identify products that often cause an allergic reaction, they include:

With diet hormone acne

Hormonal changes in the body very often cause the appearance of acne or acne on the face. Problems arise when internal organs do not cope with their functions and they need help. A great value in this situation is proper nutrition. The principles of compiling a daily diet are the same for all types of diets with acne, but the hormone diet with acne on the face necessarily includes products that contain a large amount of zinc, which regulates the work of the sebaceous glands.

The product's name The amount of zinc in mg per 100 g The product's name The amount of zinc in mg per 100 g
Yeast for baking 9.97 Sesame Seed 7.75
Pumpkin seeds 7.44 Boiled chicken hearts 7.3
Boiled beef 7.06 Peanut 6.68
Cocoa powder 6.37 Sunflower seeds 5.29
Beef boiled tongue 4.8 Pine nuts 4.62
Turkey meat (grilled) 4.28 Popcorn 4.13
Egg yolk 3.44 Wheat flour 3.11
Walnuts 2.73 Peanut butter 2.51
Coconut 2.01 Sardines 1.40
Boiled beans 1.38 Boiled lentils 1.27
Cutlets from river fish 1.20 Boiled green peas 1.19
Eggs 1.10 Cooked peas 1.00