Psoriasis is the most effective treatment

With the diagnosis of psoriasis treatment is considered effective, if the patient disappears unpleasant symptoms and for a long time there is no exacerbation. Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed cure for this disease, the reason for this is not fully studied mechanisms that trigger pathogenic processes in the body.

Psoriasis - the causes of

Psoriasis is considered by doctors to be one of the most difficult, because there are many reasons that can cause it, as well as various combinations of these factors. In addition, the disease has a tendency to arise without cause and exacerbate. To worsen the patient's condition can be a variety of factors - from excitement before an important date to hypothermia. For these reasons, it is absolutely impossible to predict the efficacy of funds aimed at treating psoriasis: one drug that positively affects one group of people is completely powerless for others.

In case of psoriasis, the causes can be:

People with a thin, sensitive and dry skin can be identified as a risk group for the likelihood of developing psoriasis. This type of skin is often damaged due to friction, pressure, scratching, contact with detergents. In places where skin integrity is lost and sebum is absent, infectious microorganisms that cause non-exudative (dry) inflammation easily enter the body. For people with thin skin, doctors do not recommend using scrubs, alcohol lotions and loofers frequently, so as not to provoke psoriatic rashes.

Stages of psoriasis

Sad statistics say that to some extent, about 40% of people suffer from psoriasis. Often, the disease occurs in a latent stage, manifested when there are causes that contribute to exacerbation - with the fall of immunity, prolonged stress, a sharp change in climate. Doctors distinguish several stages of psoriasis:

  1. The pinkish or reddish papules that appeared on the head, the folds of the hands with scales, but without itching (damage to 3% of the skin) are psoriasis, the initial stage.
  2. Fusion of papules, the constant occurrence of new irritations, skin itching (a lesion of 3-10% of the skin) is the middle stage.
  3. Strong peeling, blueing of affected areas, the appearance of plaques and papillomas, the defeat of virtually all parts of the body (a lesion of more than 10% of the skin) - these signs indicate a severe stage of psoriasis.

Psoriasis - Symptoms

It is possible to suspect the appearance of psoriasis when small pink papules, covered with white scales, appear on the skin and are easily peeled off. At this stage, psoriasis can not be noticed, especially if the papules are located under the clothes, on the back, on the back of the head. Over time, papules increase and turn into plaques - elevated places of thickening of the skin (often round) pink or red with scales. Psoriatic plaques itch, and after combing on them appear droplets of blood - this indicates a pathological increased fragility of the vessels - a symptom of Aushpizza.

In the absence of effective treatment, plaques spread in large quantities throughout the body and increase in size, merging with each other. Severe itching at this stage causes severe discomfort. Further, the absence of treatment can lead to:

Treatment of psoriasis with medicines

Treatment of psoriasis is a protracted and complex complex process. Selection of therapy depends on a number of indicators - the variety and severity of psoriasis, the location and size of skin lesions, the presence of additional pathologies, the age of the patient. But even this approach does not guarantee not only a cure, but also a stable remission. Part of the therapy is aimed at getting rid of the cause of exacerbation, other means - fighting with psoriatic rashes.

Along with medicines the most effective treatment is mineral water and mud in a number of resorts:

Ointment for psoriasis

Numerous ointments are a large group of drugs for the treatment of skin diseases. Psoriasis - treatment at home with ointments:

  1. Highly effective hormonal ointments (mometasone, budesonide, betamethasone) quickly relieve exacerbations during first use. Their serious drawback is that over time, hormonal ointments need to be used more often and longer, and besides - with prolonged use they cause serious complications with the kidneys and necrosis of the skin.
  2. Ointments containing tar (Antisporin, Colloidin, Antramin) cope with itching and promote the healing of the skin. Disadvantages - a long course of treatment and inconvenience of use.
  3. Ointments on solidol (Ointment Markin, Kartalin, Magninospore, ointment Rybakova, Solispor) - a large group of drugs considered to be the most effective and safe. The disadvantage is a small amount of pure solidol, a long course of treatment.
  4. Ointments with calcitriol or calcipotriol (osteotriol, daivonex) saturate the skin with vitamin D, normalize calcium metabolism, which has a positive effect on skin health. The lack of ointments is expensive.
  5. Ointments with salicylic acid - promote the healing and smoothing of the skin, improve the absorption of nutrients. The disadvantage is that they are not fighting with psoriasis, but with its consequences.
  6. Combined and weak hormonal ointments (Fluticasone, Hydrocortisone) - allow you to quickly stop exacerbations and relieve the itching. The disadvantage is the possible addiction and the need for a gradual cancellation.
  7. Ointments containing sulfur and zinc - they are used for parasitic skin infections, but they do well to remove peeling and itching in psoriasis. Lack - ointments treat symptoms, not illness.

Cream for psoriasis

At active people there can be a question how to treat a psoriasis outwardly without use of ointments which are absorbed for a long time and often require imposing of bandages. Creams do not have these drawbacks, but they often contain hormones that cause skin atrophy that depress immunity and can trigger the development of psoriatic arthritis. To overcome psoriasis, treatment can be carried out even with cosmetic creams - with natural ingredients or intended for children. It is advisable to choose a cream with vitamin A, which makes the skin less dry and flaky.

Tablets with psoriasis

Without medicines that are taken orally, the treatment of serious diseases can not be avoided, so the patient needs to pick up the pills for psoriasis, which help. Tablets that are prescribed if a person has psoriasis:

  1. Immunostimulants (strengthen immunity, relieve inflammation, heal) - Milgamma , Befungin, Heptor lycopid.
  2. Immunosuppressants (have an immunosuppressive effect to achieve remission) - Methotrexate, Cyclosporine Hexal.
  3. Hormonal preparations (relieve inflammation, itching, depress cellular immunity) - Metipred, Betamethasone.
  4. Strengthening vessels - Calcium gluconate.
  5. Homeopathic (relieve itching and inflammation, accelerate healing, reduce the surface of the lesion) - Psoril.
  6. Retinoids (saturate with vitamin A, normalize cell division) - Neotigazone.
  7. Antihistamines (relieve itching, redness, swelling) - Suprastin, Tavegil , Cetrin.
  8. Hepatoprotectors (restore the affected liver) - Heptral, Karsil , Phosphogliv, Silimar, Essentiale.
  9. Sorbents (remove toxins and allergens) - Enterosgel, Polifipan, Polysorb.
  10. Antifungal (necessary for infection of plaques with fungi) - Lamisil.
  11. Vitamins (improve health, accelerate recovery) - Folic acid , A, E, group B, D.

Treatment of psoriasis with injections

Treatment for psoriasis with injections is prescribed at all stages of the disease, but more often - with a severe neglected stage, since they are more effective. Groups of injections almost coincide with varieties of tablets:

Treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies

The disease of psoriasis, whose treatment is delayed for years, can be accompanied by additional health problems due to the large number of medications. In this case, doctors recommend that psoriasis be treated at home with folk remedies, reducing the intake of medications to an acceptable minimum. Traditional medicine for this case offers a variety of ways.

Treatment of psoriasis with soda

Treatment of psoriasis with food soda is practiced by many suffering from this disease. Soda softens the skin, relieves itching and inflammation, helping to reduce the number of medications taken. The easiest way to use soda is to pour half a pack into a bath of water (36-38 degrees) and lie down in this water for 15-20 minutes. For a week you can spend no more than 3 procedures.

Psoriasis - treatment at home with soda (compress)


Preparation and use

  1. Mix the ingredients to a homogeneous substance, not too liquid or thick (you can add more oil or soda).
  2. Apply the product to the plaques, close the film and wrap it. Keep the compress a few hours, better - night. Do a compress 2 times a week.

Treatment of psoriasis with birch tar

Treatment of psoriasis with tar is another way to improve the condition without the use of unnecessary chemicals. Tar is a part of some ointments and creams used for skin diseases. Traditional medicine recommends the use of tar in its pure form, only it is necessary to buy it in the pharmacy. The tar of the cotton swab is applied directly to the plaques. In the first days - for 10-15 minutes, after 7-10 days, you can continue the procedure for 40 minutes. With the diagnosis of psoriasis treatment is from 2 to 6 weeks before the complete disappearance of the rashes.

Treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide

Treatment of psoriasis by hydrogen peroxide on Neumyvakin is very popular today, but in medical circles this method is skeptical. The method can be dangerous if a person is intolerant to hydrogen peroxide. Rules for treating psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide by Neumyvakin:

  1. On the first day, 1 drop of hydrogen peroxide is dissolved in 40 ml of water - this is one serving, all you need every day are three identical portions. In the following days, the number of drops increases, increasing by 1.
  2. Water with hydrogen peroxide is drunk three times a day 2 hours after meals and at least 40 minutes before the next meal.
  3. On day 10, 10 drops are added to the water - 30 drops are drunk in a day and this is the maximum dose.
  4. From 11 to 15 day - a break.
  5. From 16 to 18 days - 10 drops are added to the water.
  6. Then - again break for 2-3 weeks, later the course can be repeated.

Treatment of psoriasis with solidol

Medical solidolol - a remedy for psoriasis, recognized and traditional medicine. Solidol deeply penetrates the skin and eliminates peeling and itching, speeds up the healing process. The simplest and most effective way of using it is a compress of pure solidol, since the additives only affect the effectiveness of the treatment. Solidolus is applied to the plaques for 20-60 minutes, then it is washed off with tar soap.

Treatment of psoriasis by starvation

With the diagnosis of psoriasis, treatment with folk methods is more effective while respecting the correct diet. The diet for psoriasis excludes all foods that can be allergens (citrus, chocolate), fatty, fried, sweet, hot, coffee, black and green tea. More fresh vegetables, lean meat, oily fish, fruits, herbs, pure water or herbal tea are needed. If the patient for treatment chooses a complete refusal to eat, you need to consult with your doctor about the duration of fasting, proper entry and exit, and health control.

Treatment of psoriasis with laser

If folk and traditional medicine is not able to answer the question of how to cure psoriasis, you can look for non-standard methods, for example, treatment of psoriasis with a laser. There are several types of laser devices, but the mechanism of their action is similar - the beam acts solely on plaques and papules, causing them to decrease in size and heal. The effect of laser treatment lasts from several months to several years, and the therapy itself is absolutely harmless.