How to drink martini?

Martini - this is not a special kind of wine, as many mistakenly believe, but the name of the brand. The same wine, which in our country is called martini, is called vermouth.

First, let's talk about the rules, how to drink martini (vermouth)

Everyone knows that for each drink there are special glasses. And martini in this matter is no exception. Surely you have often seen a glass on a long leg, the very capacity of which is in the shape of an inverted cone. So, this glass is for martini. In some cases, it can be replaced by a low quadrangle, but this is rarely done. As a snack for martini, nuts, raw cheese, olives, salted crackers, and also fruits will do.

Like most alcoholic beverages, vermouth should be used chilled, although there are exceptions. The optimal temperature for martini is 10-15 degrees C. But not always this temperature is achieved only by cooling the beverage itself, quite often it is added with cooled additives. We will talk about them further.

How can you drink martini?

Martini is drunk both in pure form, and in combination with juices, or in cocktails. In addition, the drink can be consumed with lemon, orange, ice and other additives to taste. If the guests are already on the threshold, and the martini has not cooled down, it is best to serve it with ice, chilled fruit or juice.

How to drink martini with juice?

For those who feel the taste of martini is too saturated, the taste will have such a cocktail: 100 ml of martini, 100 ml of juice, a few ice cubes. Such a cocktail drink without a straw. It remains only to figure out what kind of juice is suitable for this cocktail.

For a cocktail with martini, it is better to choose juice with a minimum sugar content, and since the martini itself is sweet enough, it is better to take juice with sourness. The most common juices for mixing with martini are orange, pineapple and cherry juice. Also popular are the juices of lemon, lime and grapefruit.

But peach, apple or multivitamin juice is not suitable for a cocktail. However, you should know that if you like a combination of martini with one of these juices, then drink to health. The main thing is for you to have this combination to your liking.

How to drink red martini (Martini Rosso)?

MartiniRosso is used with orange or cherry juice. The mixing ratio of juice and martini can be as follows: 160 ml of martini and 80 ml of juice. But you can take in the proportion of one to one, or any other.

How to drink dry martini?

Dry martini is called a cocktail, which consists of 1 part of white martini and 3 parts of gin. In this cocktail is not customary to add ice. But it is often served with olive or a slice of lemon.

How to drink martini extra drive?

Martini Extra Dry (Martini Extra Dry) is one of the varieties of martini. It differs from other species in that it is most often drunk in its pure form and very rarely mixed with other ingredients. If you still decided to mix this kind of martini with anything, then for these purposes pear juice is best suited.

How to drink martini with vodka?

The combination of martini and vodka is found in such a cocktail: 30 ml of martini, 75 ml of vodka, ice. Cocktail is not shaken, but immediately served with olives or lemon.

How to drink pink martini?

Martini Rose (Martini Rose) has a gently pink color. It is often used for making cocktails. For mixing with pink martini, lemon juice or lime juice is best. It also fits well in a cocktail with gin and ice.