With what juice do martinis drink?

Martini , a wine with a characteristic taste - one of the world-famous brands of vermouth, is produced in Italy (such wines as "Chinzano", "Bouquet of Moldavia"). Martini (and other vermouths) - a special type of fortified wines made by full or partial fermentation of wort with the addition of natural flavoring and flavoring ingredients, as well as alcohol-containing products. Martini is available in three main varieties, color-coded: Rosso (red), Bianco (white), Rosato (pink), and Martini are classified as dry fortress, sugar and flavor.

How and with what it is better to drink martini?

Usually, Martini is consumed both as aperitifs (that is, beverages consumed before meals) and digestives (drinks consumed during meals). Martini in its pure form can be served to desserts, red - only to meat dishes made from red meat or tuna or dessert, white and pink - to any dishes. Meat and fish dishes are more suitable for dry varieties (with less sugar). Also, Martini is used to make various cocktails. During the preparation of cocktails, Martini is mixed with various other non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks (gin, vodka, rum, various liqueurs, tonics, etc.).

What is diluted martini?

Martini - the wine is strong enough (the share of pure alcohol is 15-18%). For the preparation of refreshing light cocktails based on Martini (especially in the warm season), non-alcoholic beverages are more suitable: carbonated and table waters with neutral taste (soda, for example), various tonics with citrus and other fruit tints of taste, as well as natural fruit juices freshly squeezed).

Which juice is better to mix Martini with?

Martini perfectly matches to taste with some fruit juices, for example, with cherry or apple. Since Martini is originally a grape wine, this drink is well diluted with light grape juice from white European grape varieties with neutral flavoring properties (for example, Chardonnay, Riesling, Pinot, Semillon, Sauvignon Blanc). Especially fragrant interesting cocktails can be made with grape juice of white or pink Muscat varieties.

Pleasant, refreshing and refreshing cocktails based on Martini can be prepared using freshly squeezed citrus juices (lemon, lime, grapefruit, orange, mandarin, etc.). Martini cocktails with kiwi and pineapple juices also have very interesting tastes.

How to dilute martini juice?

Nutritionists in principle do not advise drinking undiluted juices, as they can too aggressively affect the gastric mucosa (especially citrus and other sour juices). Proceeding from this, diluting Martini with juices, it is not bad to add to the cocktail a non-carbonated (or low-carbonated) dining water or tonic in an amount of at least 1/4 of the total volume. And one more important point: in a cocktail, the taste of juices and other additives should not interrupt the taste of Martini, but only modify and supplement it.