Fibroadenoma of the breast - symptoms

Fibroadenoma is a benign seal consisting of an overgrown glandular and connective tissue. Often, the disease manifests itself painful seals in the mammary gland, which causes the woman to consult a mammologist. However, in some cases, the pain syndrome is absent, and the pathology is detected by chance during examination of ultrasound.

The causes of fibroadenoma of the breast

This benign formation is classified as one of the forms of nodal mastopathy, which arises (according to the assumptions of physicians) due to violations in the hormonal sphere (hyperestrogenia), but this fact has not been conclusively confirmed.

Hormonal imbalance as the cause of fibroadenoma suggests, most likely, because the "age of the disease" in most cases falls just for periods of physiological changes in women - adolescent and climacteric period.

Fibroadenoma can reach relatively large sizes in a few months, increasing to 5-7 cm.

In spite of the fact that fibroadenoma is not a malignant formation, a woman, when observing any densification in this area, should consult a doctor, because only a puncture biopsy can provide accurate information.

Types of fibroadenoma

There are several types of fibroadenoma depending on the location of the seal:

  1. A leaf-like fibroadenoma of the breast is also called phyloid. This is the only form of the disease that can lead to cancer and is characterized by rapid growth. Clinically, it looks like a clearly limited formation with a lobed structure, and with large dimensions in this area, the venous pattern is noticeable due to thinning of the skin.
  2. Intrakanalikulyarnaya fibroadenoma grows into the lumen of the ducts and is formed from connective tissue. This form does not degenerate into cancer.
  3. Perikanalikuljarnaja a fibroadenoma, unlike intrakanalikular, extends around of ducts, but also is not formed in a cancer.
  4. Mixed fibroadenoma combines the signs of perikanalicular and intrakanalikulyarnogo species.

Also, seals are classified by number: multiple fibroadenomas are observed in both mammary glands, and single, respectively, in one.

Treatment of mammary fibroadenoma

Fibroadenoma of the breast is treated by surgery, during which the surgeon removes the compaction. Removal of fibroadenoma of the breast is indicated in those cases when it reached a large size - more than 5 mm in diameter. If it is small, the tumor is not removed if the woman is ready to live in constant anxiety because of the possible degeneration of the tumor. Physicians advise her to delete in any case, calling the "time bomb".

There are two types of operations to remove adenomas:

  1. Removal together with a part of breast tissue (if suspected of a malignant character).
  2. Removal of only the tumor.

After surgery, the breast fibroadenoma does not bother the woman, does not require any additional therapy (except for maintaining the body during the rehabilitation period), but the exception is leaf-shaped fibroadenoma: in this case, you need to constantly check, and if there are prerequisites for malignant formations - eliminate them.

The risk of recurrence of the disease after surgery is not great.

Fibroadenoma of the breast and pregnancy

Pregnancy is accompanied by hormonal reconstruction, so sometimes in this period there is fibroadenoma. In this case, doctors assess the size of the tumor, and if the situation allows, the operation is postponed, because this is a great stress for the mother and child. When a woman stops breastfeeding, she will become operable.

If the tumor is actively growing and there is a suspicion of its malignant nature, after 3 months of pregnancy, surgical treatment is performed.

Treatment of fibroadenoma folk remedies

Such diseases should be treated primarily by medical methods. By directing strength and attention to getting rid of fibroadenoma with the help of folk remedies, the patient can lose both time and develop complications. Therefore, resorting to popular methods, they should be considered secondary:

  1. Mix in equal parts althea root, licorice, chamomile flowers and fennel fruits, boil 10 minutes and take 1 tsp. 3 times a day.
  2. Also for the female body it is useful to drink decoctions of cones of hops, mint leaves and valerian root as tea daily, but no more than 1 time per day.

These recipes, like other folk methods, have a beneficial effect on the whole organism, but when it comes to precancerous conditions, applying them as the main treatment is inappropriate.