Examination of a gynecologist at 14 years old

An examination of a gynecologist, which is held for the first time at the age of 14, usually begins as any other trip to the doctor, from a clinical interview. In the course of her doctor asks questions about the state of health, and the complaints currently available. As a rule, girls are afraid of this kind of examination for 14 years, therefore, when they come to a gynecologist, they are not always ready to answer honestly and truthfully the questions posed. The received data are entered in the medical card.

How is the first gynecological method performed?

Next, after receiving the data, the survey stage is a general examination, which the girls are most afraid of. He begins with an examination of the skin of the girl, assessing their color, condition. It is known that female hormones have not the last influence on the appearance of the girl.

Then the doctor goes to the examination and palpation of the mammary glands, during which the presence of suspicious formations in them is excluded. In order to exclude the presence of pathological discharge from the nipples, which are a sign of the disease, the doctor slightly presses on them. Further examination takes place in the gynecological chair. In this case, depending on its design, the girl is lying down, or in a half-lying position, bending her knees. In this position, the external genitals of the girl are inspected, and vaginal and intra-vaginal (or rectal ) examination is performed.

The main stage of the examination of a teenage gynecologist is the intra-vaginal examination. When it is carried out, a special gynecological set is used, all instruments of which are sterile. In this case, the girl should relax, and do not interfere with the doctor.

Vaginal examination is performed only if necessary: ​​if there is or suspected pathology. In this situation, the examination is carried out by hands, in sterile, disposable gloves, without the use of any tools. In doing so, the cervix is ​​measured, as well as the height of its standing, the state of uterine vaults. A similar kind of examination is conducted already at an older age, when a girl lives sexually.

The entire procedure for the first examination of a young girl takes a gynecologist no more than 15 minutes. However, despite the fact that such a short and painless procedure should not cause anxiety, gynecological examination for many girls of 14 years is a test of courage. Therefore, the main task of every mother is proper psychological preparation. It is, first of all, in explaining the sequence and features of the gynecological examination , which will prepare young girls for this procedure.