How to make a projector yourself?

Multimedia projector is a very useful thing. With it, you can zoom in many times from a smartphone , tablet, laptop or other gadget, see photos, videos, a movie or a football match.

However, the cost of modern projectors is high enough that everyone could afford to have such a device at home. And for those who do not have enough money, but are eager to have an interesting and fashionable novelty, help comes to lifefax - a master class on how to make a multimedia projector with their own hands. Let's find out how to do it and what is needed for this.

Master-class "How to make a projector out of a box and a magnifying glass"

So, the projector can be used with various gadgets - and on this the technology of its manufacturing depends to some extent.

Very conveniently, that for the manufacture of the projector, simple things are used, accessible to everyone:


  1. In the end of the box, you need to cut a large round hole. Its diameter should match the diameter of your magnifying glass.
  2. Magnifying glass is fixed in the hole with the help of small pieces of electrical tape. This must be done both outside and inside the box.
  3. In the cover of the box, you also need to cut out the hole so that the box can be tightly closed.
  4. Be prepared for the fact that the image from the smartphone will not be very clear. In order for the picture to get into the focus of the lens, move the smartphone slowly from the far wall of the box.
  5. To improve the quality of a photo or video, designed on a wall or a special screen, you can make the projector larger and use as a source of multimedia information is no longer a phone, but, for example, a tablet.
  6. In this case, instead of a magnifying glass will need to use a Fresnel lens, which is made of rigid transparent plastic. We take the box so that its end portion is somewhat larger than the screen of the tablet. And the hole in the box itself should be cut to 1.5-2 cm less than the size of the lens.
  7. If you want for this same box, you can cut a small stencil diaphragm with a hole for a smartphone - then this projector can be used with different gadgets.
  8. Carefully use a tape to secure the lens to the front of the future projector.
  9. In order for the tablet to stand exactly inside the box, you need to use either a special cover, or a regular book and rubber bands.
  10. You can make your own home projector from a box even larger. If instead of a tablet you decide to use a laptop, then you will have to take an even larger box for it. Another option is to cut the hole from the side in the same size box, and install the lens opposite it.
  11. Another nuance that needs to be taken into account is that the projected image will turn out to be inverted. To solve this problem, you will have to change the settings of the screen of your gadget (and in the case of a laptop - just turn the device itself, as shown in the photo).
  12. The image projected from the laptop screen will be more clear. The brighter the gadget's screen glows, the better the result.