Longitas injections

The medicinal preparation of Longidase is administered in the form of injections intramuscularly or subcutaneously. It is dangerous to get it directly into the blood vessels.

At the initial stage of pathology formation there is a high probability that after the course of treatment performed with the use of this medication, spikes will disappear, edema will disappear, and hematomas will dissolve. Longidase helps women with infertility due to adhesions that occur and develop as a result of unrecognized or untreated gynecological diseases.

Purpose and action of the drug Longidase

The spectrum of action of this medication is quite wide. In addition to the applications described above, it is also assigned in the following cases:

The preparation of Longidase improves nutrition of damaged tissues. The positive effect of the drug is manifested through hyaluronidase activity. The resistance of cell permeability decreases, the intercellular fluid flow increases, which leads to a significant improvement in tissue elasticity. Thanks to this, the joints acquire greater mobility.

Longitude is an enzyme preparation that promotes the breakdown of proteins. In addition, he has such actions:

Experts have proved that the drug is practically non-toxic, does not have carcinogenic, mutagenic properties. The immune system as well as the reproductive system does not suffer.

Injections of Longidase 3000

How and by what method (subcutaneously or intravenously) to administer the medication, the doctor will determine individually, depending on the severity of the disease, age and other important nuances. As a rule, injections of Longidaz medicines are placed near the site of the disease localization with a dosage of 3000 IU. The course of treatment is 5-15 injections with an interval of 3 to 10 days, depending on the severity of the course of the disease. Repeat the course if necessary, you can repeat no earlier than two to three months.

The preparation is produced in vials in the form of a dry powder. Before you administer Longidase's medication, for injections it is diluted in a solution of Procaine, or sodium chloride or a special liquid for injections.

Side effects and contraindications of injections Lognidaz

First of all, you need to know that Longuidazum can not be administered simultaneously with drugs containing:

Contraindications are such factors:

Side effects with Longidazoy stings can occur in the following cases:

Among the side effects are:

It is known from experience that all side effects disappear after two to three days.

Of the few shortcomings Longidazy can be identified that the injections are quite painful, and the drug is not cheap.