Constant rhinitis and stuffy nose in an adult

Coryza and mild congestion of the nose are accompanied by virtually all infectious and allergic diseases. Methods to combat these problems have long been well studied. Everyone has a recipe for rhinitis for a long time. But what to do if the adult has a persistent runny nose and stuffy nose do not pass for several weeks, few know.

Causes of a persistent cold in an adult

As practice shows, the coryza does not last longer than five to seven days. By this time, the problem usually completely stops worrying and reminding oneself. But if rhinitis is not cured, then something goes wrong with the body.

The most common causes of a persistent runny nose and nasal congestion in an adult are:

  1. Frequent acute rhinitis can develop into a chronic form.
  2. Soples due to falling into the nose of a foreign body more often occur in children, but sometimes similar embarrassments happen to adults. Fortunately, this happens very infrequently.
  3. The common cause of a persistent runny nose and nasal congestion is an allergy . In this case, no sprays, drops, ointments and even antibiotics will not be effective.
  4. To develop chronic rhinitis may due to violations of anatomical proportions in the nasal cavity - congenital or acquired.
  5. An unbroken runny nose sometimes becomes a consequence of blood circulation disorders in hypertension, kidney disease, dysmenorrhea, disorders in the work of the endocrine and nervous systems, injuries and surgical interventions.
  6. Very often doctors have to deal with situations where a constant runny nose in an adult is caused by the abuse of certain medicines. A vivid example is vasoconstrictive drops. If you use them too long and often, the rhinitis will not only fail, but will also increase.
  7. It also happens that a persistent runny nose occurs because of the excessively dry air in the room where the patient spends the most time.

How to cure a constant runny nose in an adult?

First of all, you need to clarify the cause of rhinitis and nasal congestion. With allergies, for example, it is sufficient to limit contact with the irritant, and the runny nose will soon disappear by itself.

In any case, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, enough time to rest, eat right. If desired, you can do inhalation with natural essential oils of lemon , mint, tea tree, eucalyptus.