Green carpet

Carpet is now in great demand, which is due to its versatility, rich choice of colors, pattern, embossing, length of pile, degree of endurance. Carpet green can mimic the grass, which is often used on sites near the pool or inside the house.

Green carpet in the interior

Entering the house, we unwittingly pay attention to the walls, furniture, the floor - their coloring, conformity to the general style. And in general, the perception of the picture flooring plays far from the last role. And if the white carpet finds a place in almost every interior, then the green will not harmonize in every case. Therefore, it is important to properly enter it, so as not to cause dissonance in the perception of the room.

A bright green coating will refresh the interior, introducing an atmosphere of energy and vivacity. But at the same time the walls should be neutral shade, for example - gray .

If to you, on the contrary, it would be desirable to create the quiet interior, relaxing and calming, it is necessary to choose a carpet of a gentle lemon-green shade.

To create a color accent, you can combine green with white - this will certainly create a festive mood and bring a touch of cheerfulness to the interior.

Choosing between green carpet with high and short nap, you need to push off from the place of its packing. So, if you choose a bedroom cover, it is advisable to give preference to natural high-pile carpet.

A mattress of mixed and natural fibers is suitable for a nursery room, the length of the pile is preferable to a shorter one. But in the living rooms a practical choice will be an artificial coating with an average length of nap.

Street green carpet "grass"

An excellent alternative to natural roll grass was an artificial coating simulating a green lawn. It is made of special polyethylene, which is not afraid of the sun, moisture, can last for many years, without losing its attractiveness.

In this case, this "grass" does not require special care - you just need to level the area with quartz sand and lay the carpet. The territory adjacent to the house will always look well-groomed without large financial and time costs.