Distiller of water

As you know, water is the basis of life. Without it, our existence is simply impossible to imagine, it is necessary for us every day. However, for the benefits of civilization, a person has already paid and continues to pay a catastrophic deterioration of the environment, and water in the first place. Despite the addition of chlorine, tap water is still unsuitable for drinking and even dangerous, because there are insoluble chemical compounds of chlorine-nitrite. In addition, water is "rich" with salts of heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, radionuclides and other "muck". All this, unfortunately, falls into our body, despite the filters of urban water supply systems. And even the notorious household filters , including the main ones , so widely advertised, unfortunately, do not purify the water to the required level. But there is a way out - it is a distiller for home water. It is about him that we will tell.

What is a distiller of water?

In general, distilled water is called very pure water, which practically does not contain harmful substances and impurities in its composition. Usually it is used in medicine and research laboratories. It can be bought in specialized shops for refueling iron (for steaming) or used in car care. Well, for the use of such a person, a large amount of water will be needed, especially in case of poor quality water supply in the country. In such cases, a desktop distiller will help. It has rather small dimensions and is placed on the table, it does not require a special installation. The principle of operation of the distiller is based on the fact that water - the substance is volatile, and the salts contained in it are non-volatile. Filling in a glass container of ordinary water, the device is connected to a home electrical network. The water in it will gradually heat up due to the operation of the built-in heating element, reach the boil and turn into steam. Steam, passing several separators and filters, condensing by a fan, turns into pure distilled water without impurities and chemicals and is removed from a special nozzle. And the received water turns out soft, as if rain. We talked about the operation of an electric distiller, which can be used at home. It is true that this type of device, working from the network, has one significant disadvantage: to get distilled takes a large amount of electricity. However, there is another option - a steam distiller with a fairly simple design and heating from a gas stove or a fire. It consists of three tanks of stainless steel or glass, connected by tubes. The principle of operation is the same: when heated, the water turns into steam and condenses to the distilled water at the outlet. Such a household water distiller is very convenient to use in the country, resting on the nature, in a hike, etc. But the glass distiller, consisting of glass flasks and tubes, is suitable for laboratories or distillation of alcohol-containing liquids.

How to choose a distiller for home?

Wishing to buy a home distiller, first of all you should pay attention to the performance of the device and its power. Unfortunately, electric models for household use with high performance can not boast: an average of 700 ml of clean water per hour. But steam distillers exceed their "colleagues" - for an hour of heating on a gas stove or a fire they produce 2-3 liters of distilled water.

In addition, be sure to consider when buying such a device capacity of the water tank. If you set out to produce distilled water for drinking, a capacity of 3-4 liters will be enough for you.

In addition, when choosing a home distiller, be sure to take into account the quality of the device. The fact is that poor-quality devices due to the constant allocation of chemical salts and other substances quickly fail. It is important that the inner tank for boiling is made of stainless steel.

Not bad, if the kit will include a container for collecting water and a special cleaning agent.