How to live with an unloved husband?

Most girls believe that it is necessary to marry for love, and go out, and many can not breathe on their soul mate. But it also happens that after some time after the wedding, the spouse turns out to be not the "prince" that he dreamed about, and love disappeared somewhere. And how to be - live with an unloved person or part with her husband?

Is it worth it to live with an unloved person?

Some women may say, "I live with the unloved and I do not see any problem in this," but most of such a situation is seen as a catastrophe. And they can be understood, not everyone is able to find joy in marriage unloved. Nevertheless, for many women, a divorce due to lack of feelings is unacceptable, it is considered only as a last resort. To say "divorce, because I do not like" can only afford to a very independent and self-confident woman. And ladies in the majority continue to live with the husband, suffering from absence of feelings.

But still it is very important to understand whether it is worth living with the unloved and when you can resort to the extreme method of divorce.

The first to mind are cases where the husband is in captivity of alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling or serious mental illness. The man's reluctance to accept help makes all the efforts of the most caring and patient wife useless. Homicide in the family is also a big problem and often the only thing that can be done in this case is to run as far as possible. But there are cases when there are apparently no obvious reasons for leaving, and the woman continues to support the marriage because of the children, thinking that they need a father. Naturally, the native dad is better than someone else's uncle, but not in the case when there is no harm between the spouses. If quarrels and scandals are common, the child should grow up in an incomplete family, the divorce will serve as a stress factor once, and family disassembly will injure his psyche every day.

It is also often the case that a woman continues to suffer in marriage, fearing condemnation from friends and acquaintances. This is especially true for small cities, in which no one cares about the spiritual torment of a woman who does not know how to live with her unloved husband. Usually in them the divorce is treated solely as losers or walking women, the option "did not meet the characters" with local gossips is not even considered. In this case, you can advise only one thing - a divorce, because you live for yourself, and if you turn your back on your own husband, then no public opinion should be a controlling factor.

How to live with an unloved man?

In addition to all of the above, there are frequent situations when a woman is also happy to break off relations, but can not because of the dependence in the material or emotional terms. And if such a dependence can not be overcome, it remains to understand how to live with an unloved husband.

It's no secret that women are more emotional creatures, and love can have many different shades - from pity to hate. The main thing is to understand and accept, but if there is nothing similar in sight, then we should look for another way out of this situation. A viable solution to the problem will be an attempt to minimize communication with the spouse. You can do this in many ways - devote yourself to work, children, find an exciting hobby, try to become An exemplary mistress, relating to home affairs, how to work. There are a lot of ways and all of them are feasible, but only if you feel the power to hide your attitude towards the spouse, pretending to be loving and caring. And, ideally, you need to speak frankly with your husband, partner relations will allow you not to have any illusions and not to show any excessive requirements to your spouse and be free of yourself.

But still, if you live with unloved unbearable, it's better to leave, regardless of any kind of dependence. The way out can be found always, as they say - there are a thousand opportunities, if there is a desire, and there is a mass of excuses if there is no desire.