Behaviorism - what it is, the main points and ideas

Behaviorism for a long time was considered the pinnacle of psychological science, allowed a different look at the study of mental processes and entrenched itself in such areas as politics, sociology and pedagogy. By many psychologists, behavioral methods are considered to be rigid and depersonalizing a person.

What is behaviorism?

Behaviorism is (from English behavior - behavior) - one of the major directions of psychology of the XX century. exploring the human psyche through behavioral patterns, consciousness is denied at the same time. Prerequisites for the emergence of behaviorism was the philosophical concepts of John Locke, that the born person is a "pure board", and the mechanistic materialism of Thomas Hobbes, who denies man as a thinking substance. All the mental activity of man in behaviorism is reduced initially to the formula: S → R, then an intermediate parameter is added: S → P → R.

The founder of behaviorism

The founder of behaviorism - John Watson proposed to deduce the processes occurring in the human psyche on the tangible, measured by instruments and tests level, so the famous formula was born: the behavior is S → R (stimulus → reaction). Based on the experience of I. Pavlov and M. Sechenov, with proper approach to research, Watson predicted that it would be possible to fully predict and predict behavior and consolidate people's new habits .

Other followers and representatives of behaviorism in psychology:

  1. E. Tolman - identified 3 determinants of behavior (independent variable stimuli, the ability of the organism, intervening internal variable intentions).
  2. K. Hull - stimulus and reaction introduced the intermediate body organism (internal invisible processes);
  3. B. Skinner - allocates a special kind of behavior - operant, the formula takes the form S → P → R, where P is the reinforcement leading to a useful, behavior-fixing result.

Fundamentals of Behaviorism

For several decades of research on the behavior of animals and humans, a number of behaviourist provisions have resulted. Behaviorism is the main idea:

Theory of Behaviorism

The emergence of behaviorism did not occur in an empty place, such concepts as: "awareness" and "experience" lost their value and nothing could give scientists from a practical point of view - this could not be touched and measured empirically. The essence of behaviorism is that a person is his behavior in response to a stimulus, it suited the scientists, because these are concrete actions that can be investigated. Experiments conducted by Russian physiologist I. Pavlov over animals in a somewhat modified form migrated to behavioral laboratories.

Behaviorism in Psychology

Behaviorism is a trend in psychology that places human behavioral responses at the center and denies consciousness as an independent psychic phenomenon. Several decades until the middle of the XX century. psychology as a science, studied a person through a set of behavioral acts: stimuli and reactions, which allowed shedding light on many things, but did not bring them closer to the phenomena of conscious and unconscious processes. Cognitive psychology replaced cognitive behavior.

Behaviorism in Political Science

Political behaviorism is a methodological orientation, which is an analysis of phenomena extolled by politics, carried out through monitoring the behavior of a person or groups. Behaviorism introduced important emphases in politics:

Behaviorism in Sociology

Social studies and experiments are inextricably linked with psychological science, and are impossible without studying human nature, the processes taking place in the psyche. Social behaviorism stems from the basic postulates of behaviorism BF. Skinner, but instead of the usual "stimulus → reaction", there is the "field" theory, which includes the provisions:

Behaviorism in Pedagogy

Classical behaviorism has found its followers in pedagogy. For a long time, schooling was based on the principles of "encouragement" and "punishment". The method of assessment is an example of the behavioral approach, the aim of which is that a high score should reinforce the desire for further education, and low serve as a "reproach" or punishment, as a result of which the student, having faced the unpleasant consequences of negligent attitudes toward learning, must want to improve. Behavioral pedagogy has been severely criticized by humanists.

Behaviorism in Management

The methods of behaviorism laid the foundation for the formation of the school of behavioral sciences in management. Managers of industries and companies were imbued with ideas of behaviorism, and for themselves saw the application of the tools of this concept for effective interpersonal interaction and as a consequence - the efficiency of production processes at all levels. The development of behaviourist ideas became possible, thanks to two theories developed in the 1950s by social psychologist Douglas McGregor:

  1. Theory X. The classical conception, modern specialists is considered inhumane ("hard management"), but which takes place in our day. Most of the employees are lazy, deprived of a sense of responsibility, but appreciate stability and security , so they need control of authoritarian leadership. Such a management system is based on maintaining people's fear of losing their jobs. Penalties are widespread.
  2. Theory of Y. A modern, progressive concept based on the best manifestations of human qualities, for this purpose a friendly atmosphere is created in the production, interesting tasks are set and all employees are attracted to show that the company is developing due to their motivation, resourcefulness and the desire for constant self-development. The leadership style is democratic. Employees like to develop with the company.

Behaviorism in economics

Traditional economy, based on the classical principles of ethics and morality, sees man as a logically rational rational being, free to make his choice on the basis of vital needs. Today, there are several branches of the economy, one of which is the behavioral economy, which has adopted all the advantages of behaviorism. Supporters of the "behavioral economy" are inclined to believe. That consumers are inclined just to irrational behavior, and this is the norm for a person.

Followers of behavioral economics have developed a number of methods that allow creating and increasing customer demand:

  1. Negative baits . The product, which is stored on the shelves and because of its high cost is not in demand, companies are throwing an even more expensive option on the market, and the product, which looks cheaper against the background of the new one, is being sold.
  2. Free offers are a popular method among marketers of manufactures and companies. For example, a person is offered two trips at a similar cost, but one includes a free breakfast, the other is not. The bait in the form of a free breakfast will work - a person likes to think that he is getting something for nothing.

Pros and cons of behaviorism

Any teaching or system, no matter how slender they might seem, have their limitations in application, and over time, all the advantages and disadvantages of behaviorism became visible, where it would be appropriate to apply the techniques of this direction, and where it is better to apply more modern methods. In any case, practitioners should not abandon this wonderful tool in their practice and use behavioral techniques where this can give the best effect. Advantages of behaviorism:
