News about Angelina Jolie: a flash of rage on TV and pre-infarction ...

It was not easy for the popular actress and director Angelina Jolie to divorce her star-spouse. Angie spent a year immersed in household chores, while working on a drama from the history of Cambodia "First they killed my father."

Now it's time to return to social life. The actress actively promotes her offspring, but this is not easy for her. After all, both her physical and psychological state have not stabilized.

An unpleasant incident occurred during the filming of the talk show "Night Line" on the ABC channel. The journalist, who spoke with Angelina, allowed herself to move away from the main theme of the program, the premiere of the film, and ask a question about Brasilin.

Hearing a personal question, the actress literally exploded! She told me to stop shooting and cut this episode out of the final version of the show.

Dzhudzhu Cheng had no choice but to go back and ask the actress about her health and well-being of the children. Angie was once again forced to explain that her thinness is not anorexia. She noticed that with health, both her and the children are all right.

A heart attack just around the corner?

But is the star really good? Considering the celebrity photos taken at the Toronto festival, her fans were once again worried.

The hands and legs of the actress look like thin twigs!

Doctors say that the weight of the actress currently does not exceed 40 kilograms. Although relatively recently, she recovered and weighed about 55-60 kilograms. That's just been a good weight for her growth and build.

What is the danger of losing weight? Sharp weight loss and weight gain negatively affect the condition of the muscles, they weaken. This directly affects the heart muscle. Such a state of health can provoke a heart attack or a heart attack if the 42-year-old actress does not seek serious medical help.

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The reasons for this state are easy to understand: the actress recently told that she feels desperation from loneliness. It is difficult for her to get along with six grown-up kids, she misses her ex-wife. The appearance of the star clearly speaks of remorse and the desire to renew relations with Pitt. However, such development of the plot of their "motion picture" is unlikely.