Feet is scratched

I wonder if there is even one person on earth who has never experienced itching? Perhaps this is a myth. We all often quite often itch, and we even pay attention to it for the time being, do not pay attention to the time. But if you constantly and strongly itch, blushing and flaking face, especially a child or a woman, this is serious, and with this you must immediately understand.

Why does my face itch?

The reasons why it itchy face, very much. And, if men can close unsightly calculations, growing a mustache and beard, then we, women, for anyone have to follow the beauty and health of the skin of the face. Well, about the children and say nothing. They need eyes and eyes. Therefore, we, the mothers, should know and notice everything and be able to eliminate any problem in time, especially while the little ones are small. So, what should you think about if you scratch your skin on your face?


If the face is red, burns and itches, the first thing that comes to mind is an allergy. Call it can anything. In children, the itchy skin of the face and arms is most often affected by diathesis of food for sweet, red fruits and vegetables and even for cow's milk, because it is very different from the breast milk. It is much better for young children to give goat's milk, it is more close to the human, and, as a rule, does not cause allergies.

Adolescent girls and adult women often scratch their facial skin due to improperly selected cosmetics or as a reaction to creams and lotions. If the whole thing is exactly this, the change of cosmetics solves the problem completely.

Excessive dryness of facial skin

Another reason why the face is scaly and it itchy, there may be dry skin. It happens, if a woman or a girl is too addicted to alcohol-containing products for cleansing the face skin from cosmetics or prefers to use soap with a fat-dissolving effect for washing. Of course, oily film on the face - a feeling not of pleasant, but to deprive the skin of natural protection is also unreasonable. After all, through the cracks can get an infection, and then the problems begin to have a completely different order.

Reaction to heat and cold

At many ladies and children a skin on the face is scratched in reply to the raised or increased humidity and a heat. Baths and saunas are contraindicated, and summer is a hard time for them.

Or, conversely, under the influence of frost and wind in the winter. This phenomenon is called a cold allergy. Most often it occurs in those who suffer from hypothermia and anemia.

Side effects of drugs

Some medicines are also able to have unpleasant effects on the skin. They appear in the form of itching, redness, edema and other unpleasant side effects. Moreover, neither children nor adults are immune from them. The only correct solution to this problem is the change of the drug.

Itching of the facial skin as a symptom of the disease

And, finally, if the face is swollen and itchy, you can assume the presence of some kind of disease. For example, this phenomenon is common for jaundice. When the disease passes, the itching also disappears.

What if my face itches?

First, find out the cause, and secondly, eliminate it. So, if the skin on your face itches because of some products, exclude them from the diet. The cause of itching was cosmetics or some kind of pills? Give them up or replace them with others. Well, if the face itches because of the dryness of the skin, try one of the masks below.

Mask for dry skin from oatmeal

Take 2-3 tablespoons oat flakes, pour them a small amount of boiled hot water and leave for 10 minutes. Then mix everything, as a result you should get a gruel of a consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the mask on the face and hold for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water, lightly pat the skin with a soft towel and oil it with olive oil. Carry out this procedure 2-3 times a week, and after a short time your face will feel better.

Smetano-curd mask for irritated skin

Take 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Mix thoroughly and apply to the skin for 15 minutes. Then rinse the mask with cool water and pat the face with a towel.

And most importantly - never give up your hands. The face does not color the face and becomes the gateway to infection. Do you want it?