Nubuck or skin - what is better?

For the manufacture of quality shoes, many manufacturers use only natural materials that were valued at all times. The most common raw material, of course, is the skin. To more elite it is possible to carry suede and nubuck.

Many people, by their ignorance, believe that Nubuck is a kind of artificial leather, so products from it are more affordable. In fact, to get this raw material, the skin of a young animal undergoes a grinding process that creates a soft and velvety texture.

What is better in winter - nubuck or leather?

Pork and veal leather is used much more often for making shoes and various accessories. For supporters of traditional options, this raw material is considered an ideal option. However, if you compare all the pros and cons, then what is better, shoes from the nubuck or leather?

In winter, the warmest, waterproof and breathable products become the preferred. In favor of standard skin can be attributed universality, water resistance, strength and durability. Although with prolonged wearing, deep creases appear, which are reflected in the appearance.

Natural nubuck is strong enough, soft and pliable, thanks to which, with proper care for a long time, retains an attractive appearance, dries quickly. In addition, due to grinding, the material becomes more breathable than ordinary leather. Frost and snow for him are not terrible, but rain and slush should be avoided.

There is also an artificial nubuck, which is visually distinct from natural is difficult, but the differences between them are significant. Polymer material is waterproof, but it also does not let out air, which is very bad for leg health. Although in terms of strength and accessibility, it occupies a leading position.

As you can see, each skin type has its pros and cons. Therefore, choosing shoes for the winter , it is worth to listen to your feelings, which will help you decide on the ideal option.

Skin Care Nubuck

They say that the most "whimsical" material is suede. However, the nubuck is also quite demanding in the care. And, despite the fact that it is classified as resistant to moisture, however, manufacturers do not recommend wearing such shoes in the rain and slush. But with proper care, the accessory will serve you for many years.

Purchasing shoes from the nubuck, it is worth to buy special cleaning agents for it, which will greatly facilitate your task:

As you can see, any natural material has a number of pros and cons. What kind of preference, it's a matter of personal taste.