Female hormones

Under the influence of female sex hormones, the whole life of the fair sex from birth to old age. Their role in all the processes occurring in the body is difficult to overestimate, and when one of the indicators begins to deviate from the norm, it leads to hormonal imbalance and health problems.

When a woman turns to a doctor, the first thing that needs to be done is to know the hormonal background at the moment, because general tests and ultrasound do not always indicate a complete picture of the situation and may be uninformative without additional studies on hormones.

The norms of female hormones in the body

Of course, a qualified gynecologist-endocrinologist should be engaged in the diagnosis on the basis of the performed studies, but it will not interfere with self-checking, since, unfortunately, medical errors are not uncommon. In order to truly decipher the results of tests for female hormones, you need to know their norm in the body.

It is known that all the hormones that are excreted in the female body, directly depend on the stage of the menstrual cycle. So, in the first phase, some of them are activated, during ovulation others, and in the final days of the cycle, the third. Proceeding from this, taking tests for a certain group of hormones should be strictly on certain days, adhering to the rules - abstaining from food, alcohol and cigarettes for 12 hours.

Below is a table of norms of female hormones.

Phases of the menstrual cycle FSG LG Estrogen (estradiol) Progesterone Testosterone
The first phase (follicular) 1.8-11 1.1-8.8 5-53 0.32-2.23 0.1-1.1
Ovulation 4.9-20.4 13.2-72 90-299 0.48-9.41 0.1-1.1
The second phase (luteal) 1.1-9.5 0.9-14.4 11-116 6.99-56.43 0.1-1.1
Menopause 31-130 18.6-72 5-46 less than 0.64 1.7-5.2

Female hormones: normal and abnormal

Deviations from the norm of female sex hormones occur quite often and one of the indicators that does not meet the standard is not yet a disease. But if the fluctuations, in contrast to the required boundaries, are significant, and this is not the case with one, but with several indicators, then the picture is much more serious.

FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) is increased due to brain tumor, alcoholism, decreased ovarian function, after passing through the X-ray, and lowered can become with obesity and polycystosis .

LH (luteinizing hormone) is increased because of the same polycystic ovary state, because of their exhaustion , and it decreases due to various genetic diseases, obesity and pituitary tumor.

Elevated levels of estrogen may indicate obesity, and as a result - infertility. The change in the level of progesterone indicates a problem with the ovaries and other genital organs. The disadvantage of it affects the ability to bear the child. A high level of testosterone may indicate development in the male type and the inability to become pregnant and bear fruit, and its lowering indicates problems with kidneys and metabolism.