Stress during pregnancy

Waiting for the child is a wonderful and happy time. At least, this opinion has developed in our society for many centuries. However, in practice this is not always the case. And only women who have passed through this great test know all of its "delights": toxicosis, dyspnea, swelling, nausea and drowsiness - it's just a drop in the sea of ​​various sensations that await a woman in all 9 months. However, there is one more unpleasant thing that can not be insured - nervous stress during pregnancy. So what should a woman do, to whom life has tossed a share of emotions? And what is the danger of stress in pregnancy? We will talk about the impact and consequences of strong emotional experiences.

How does stress affect pregnancy?

It's not a secret for anyone that a woman expecting a child changes physically and morally. The processes that occur in the body during pregnancy are truly large-scale and hormonal changes play a special role here. They not only help the body to adjust to the body under maximum load, but also can affect the state of health and mood of a woman. That's why usually calm and balanced future mothers change literally before our eyes. They become nervous, they can throw a tantrum from scratch, cry or demand attention to themselves. But there are also reverse cases, when temperamental people become calm and complaisant. Either way, hormones contribute a lot to the fact that the mood of a woman becomes uncontrollable, so various stresses during pregnancy are almost inevitable. What is the reason for their occurrence?

Change in appearance during pregnancy. Many attractive people experience very strong experiences because of how their appearance changes. As a rule, changes are not for the better, which is a moral discomfort for a woman. The problems of a moral plan are experienced by those who prioritize careers and personal success. Experiences here are associated with temporary isolation from the outside world, and full concentration on the child.

  1. Increased emotionality, impressionability and sensitivity of a woman, which is aggravated during pregnancy.
  2. Propensity to anxiety, restlessness and fears.
  3. Mindfulness, self-doubt and constant doubts in their abilities.
  4. Nervous situation in the family and in the relationship. Unfavorable moral or physical conditions of life.
  5. Attitude to childbirth as an unpleasant, painful and dangerous event.
  6. Strong frights, fatigue, unrest about the state of the child, a moral shock from any life event and personal stresses due to irritability and nervous excitement.

Consequences of stress in pregnancy

Any future mother should be aware that pregnancy and stress are incompatible. A constant stay in nervous tension, loss of appetite, fatigue, mood swings or irritability can affect not only the baby, but also the very course of pregnancy. Dependence of the baby on the moral state of the mother is difficult to overestimate. The child feels physically when you feel good or bad. Thus, severe stress during pregnancy is a danger to the health of the baby. The risk of miscarriage and premature birth, slowing the growth and development of the fetus, oxygen starvation and brain damage are far from all phenomena that can be caused by a nervous condition. The impact of stress on pregnancy with different terms can have different consequences:

The consequences of stress during pregnancy can be worse. It all depends on how the future mother is able to cope with such a state. Relax from the nervous state will help walk in the fresh air, exercise with easy gymnastics, swimming, discussion of accumulated problems with close and understanding people. It is also useful to rest more, sleep, eat well and think more about the baby. It is important to remember - pregnancy is a temporary phenomenon, and every child absorbs every emotion in itself like a sponge. Therefore, more often communicate with the baby, imagine how you will keep him in your arms and try to make the waiting period of your beloved miracle truly joyful and positive.