Hairstyles with a diadem

The image of the princess to the face of any girl. That's why each representative of the beautiful half in a special day for her not off to decorate her hair with a beautiful diadem, imitating a crown or a crown.

How beautiful and harmonious will the hairstyle with diadem become and the image as a whole will depend on many factors. In this case, it is important to consider: the length of the hair, their color, the style and color of the dress, the design of the diadem itself and, of course, the skill of the hairdresser or stylist.

Evening hairstyles with tiara - beautiful options

Of course, the choice of hairstyles and styling for owners of long and medium hair is much richer. To create an elegant romantic image, it is enough to dissolve long luxurious curls and decorate them with a diadem. Thus hair can be both straight, and wound. Simple hair styles blend well with simple dresses.

Pompous pretentious outfits require an appropriate complement. In such cases, hairdressers carefully choose a hairstyle for a diadem, take into account the design of the latter, the style and color of the dress. For example, a luxurious addition to the dress in the Greek style will be a high hairstyle with a diadem and openwork weaves throughout the head. Very beautiful look ringlets, collected on the crown and decorated with a diadem. However, the fantasy of the masters is not limited to this: all kinds of beams, bouquets, curls, shells - masters of their craft can build a real masterpiece on the long hair of the client, the addition of which will be a diadem.

Separate attention deserves an extraordinarily feminine hairdo of a babette, when the curls in the form of a roller are combed back. It blends perfectly with elegant evening and wedding dresses, makes the image exquisite and beautiful. In this case, such a hairstyle looks good with a diadem and with a bang.

The choice of hairstyles with a diadem on short hair is somewhat limited. Nevertheless, a short haircut is not an excuse for refusing such a refined decoration. As a rule, in such cases, hairdressers are recommended to limit themselves to simple and strict styling. By the way, the image of Princess Diana, a vivid example of that hair style with a diadem on short hair looks no less stylish and beautiful.

Whichever way you choose under the tiara, do not forget that this decoration will be the main accent in your image, so it is not worth to overload it with an abundance of other accessories.