Frigidity in women - what is it and how to get rid of anorgasmia?

The coldness of a woman can have different causes. So, perhaps she is unhappy with a particular man and she does not want to have an intimacy with him. In addition, this behavior may indicate a woman's frigidity. Let's try to find out, frigidity in women - what it is and whether it is possible to cure this disease.

What is frigidity?

In the modern world, frigidity is not considered something out of the ordinary. Now men and women can not only suspect the presence of such a disease, but also try to fight it. According to doctors-sexologists, who are very cautious about this term, frigidity is a persistent decrease in sexual desire, or lack of orgasmic sensations.

Frigidity in psychology

There are also psychological aspects of frigidity. The disease often indicates attempts to retain control, which can occur because of a conflict of sexual preferences, or because of the shame of their own erotic desires. In addition, a frigid girl can feel ugly, even ugly and thus wants to hide her own body from others. Perhaps the rejection of sexual gratification is the only thing that she can dispose of in life.

The cause of the disease can be in the fact that a woman sex act is considered something shameful and even dirty, turning a woman into a prostitute. All these feelings are often formed in childhood, under the influence of parents. Frigidity can occur if:

  1. Sex was afraid of the mother.
  2. My father often insulted his mother.
  3. In intimate relations there was an insult.
  4. In childhood, they taught that sex is bad.

Frigidity - a myth or a reality?

In fact, there is female frigidity or is it fiction? Until now, some men suggest that there are no cold women, and there are separate cases when a woman refuses to have a sexual relationship with a particular man. However, doctors argue that such a disease as frigidity can be in the fair sex for various reasons.

Are there many frigid women?

Someone is sure that there are no cold women, but someone suffers from the frigidity of his beloved and does not know how to get rid of this problem. So, in fact, many frigid women or their units? Statistics are inexorable, the percentage of frigidity in women in Russia, according to some sources, is 42%. Perhaps this is also the reason for the frequent divorce. Although the problem here is not so much in the disease itself, but in the fact that young people do not want to solve problems and quickly give up when faced with life's troubles.

The causes of frigidity in women

What is the sexual coldness of a woman? The following are the main reasons for frigidity:

  1. Hormonal factor - fluctuations in the hormonal background can greatly affect the life of a woman. If testosterone is not produced sufficiently, the sex drive disappears.
  2. Psychological - in the basis can serve as an unfortunate previous experience of sexual relations and hidden resentment of the current partner. In addition, violence can kill the desire for sex.
  3. Physiological - female frigidity can be associated with anatomical features of the body that prevent sexual contact.

Signs of frigidity in women

In women, sexual coldness can manifest itself in different ways. Among the frequent symptoms of frigidity:

  1. Anorgasmia in women - in the presence of frigidity, a woman often lacks orgasm . In this case, she can experience a sexual attraction, a pleasant sensation during sex, but no orgasm occurs.
  2. Orgasm does not occur with different types of sex and masturbation. Otherwise, there is no question of sexual coldness.
  3. The woman does not feel pleasant sensations from the sexual certificate or act. In such situations, doctors talk about a decrease, or a complete lack of libido.

Frigidity - Species

Speaking frigidity in women what it is, the doctors-sexologists call these kinds:

  1. Retardation frigidity . This type of disease is temporary. It is associated with a delay in the development of sexual desire.
  2. Symptomatic frigidity . This kind of sexual coldness of women often occurs as a result of any diseases or deviations in development. Symptomatic frigidity is well served by treatment and is of a temporary nature. In this case, the medicine for treating the frigidity of Tribestan will be effective.
  3. Constitutional frigidity . This kind of coldness is considered to be a congenital feature of women who psychologically and physically can be healthy. In this sexual attraction and specific experiences during intercourse, such women do not experience.
  4. Psychogenic frigidity . Its causes are often psychological trauma . This may be a disappointment in men, and dislike for a partner, an unsuccessful first experience of sexual relations.

Is it possible to cure frigidity?

Having learned about their diagnosis, women are interested in whether frigidity is treated. Doctors say that it is possible to defeat the disease, but for this it is necessary to understand the causes of what is happening to it, understand and accept their problems in the sexual sphere and be sure to trust a good specialist. Women's coldness often has physiological and psychological causes.

Frigidity in women - treatment

Many women, faced with such a problem, want to know as soon as possible how to get rid of frigidity. It is known that in most cases female coldness is psychogenic. It becomes clear that the drugs that increase sexual attraction can not give the desired effect. To defeat frigidity, first of all, it is necessary to find the reasons for its occurrence and try to eliminate them.

So, if the expert finds out the presence of physiological causes of the woman's coldness, then she will prescribe an effective medication. If the original cause is in psychological aspects, then you can seek help from an experienced psychotherapist or try to solve problems yourself. Psychotherapeutic work will normalize the activity of the woman's sexual sphere, return the joy of intimacy with a man.

Frigidity - medication

In medicine, the treatment of anorgasmia is carried out by different drugs. Among the most popular:

These medications have no side effects and help to effectively get rid of many female diseases, including those associated with hormonal failures. However, before starting treatment for frigidity in women, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since only he can know which drug will be most effective in a particular case.

Frigidity - treatment with folk remedies

Some people on personal experience have to learn frigidity in women what it is. Verified people help get rid of it. It is considered very effective ginseng with frigidity. Treatment of a home is often carried out with the help of dietary supplements with a plant that enhances sexual desire. However, in no case is it recommended to mix the root of ginseng with caffeine. Otherwise, this will lead to unnecessary stimulation. Also, when frigidity is used tincture of pink radioly.

Infusion of pink radiolysis with frigidity


Preparation and use

  1. Mix all the ingredients.
  2. Take before meals for 3-5 months.

Herbal extract


Preparation and use

  1. Herbal collection is poured with boiling water.
  2. Insist 2-3 hours.
  3. Infusion is taken by 1/3 cup before meals.

How to satisfy a frigid woman?

If a married couple has a frigid woman - this is a problem between the two, and you need to solve it together. Mutual support and understanding of who is near is very important here. In no case can it be reproached that a frigid wife does not fulfill a marital duty and make ultimatums. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, which will help to eliminate the woman's coldness. A man should try to pay maximum attention to his beloved and as often as possible talk not about the problem, but about his sincere feelings. Attention, love and care can work wonders and turn a cold woman into a passionate woman.