Psychological structure of personality

Human nature is multifaceted. The psychological structure of the personality of each of us is individual, in its own way special. This once again confirms that there are no people with the same inner world. Any individual is unique, in the first place, because only a certain number of personal qualities are inherent in him.

A person is a person who has a distinct set of social qualities acquired throughout his life in society. Only in certain circumstances does it become manifest. There are two main personality structures: psychological and social. About this and talk in more detail.

Psychological structure and content of personality

It is important to note that under the personal structure it is customary to present a list of unchanging properties manifested through actions, decisions of a person in various life situations. Psychologists, these properties are classified into three types:

In each of these species, which are important components of the psychological structure of the individual, manifestations are negative aspects of human temperament. But they are compensated by certain advantages that are in the nature of each of us.

This structure represents certain social attitudes of the individual, his volitional properties, temperament, skills, emotions, motivation, character. If we talk about this in more detail, then in psychology, the elements of the psychological structure with which you can characterize the person are:

It is worth noting that there is a large number of models of the structure of the psychological portrait of the individual. In order to make it up, it is necessary to rely on the following individual personal qualities:

  1. About age, social status will say: gestures , the manner of wearing clothes.
  2. The human temperament is revealed: facial expressions, gestures, speech characteristics.
  3. About the profession: the vocabulary used during the conversation.
  4. On the nationality, place of residence: pronunciation.
  5. On the priorities of the individual, its values: the content of the phrases.

Socio-psychological structure of personality

In this structure, the personality is assessed in terms of its role in society. As a result, let's say, of her social life, certain social properties develop, qualities manifested during communication with others. It will not be superfluous to mention that this structure includes a person's social and psychological experience (a set of skills, abilities, communicative knowledge), a social position (formed under the influence of the individual's living conditions), a mentality (perception of both his internal and external world), cognitive sphere (representations of the world through imagination, sensation, etc.)