Allocations, like water

One of the reasons why women turn to the gynecologist is the discharge from the vagina (whitish). Some may be considered normal, but sometimes they are a symptom of a disease. The number, color and consistency of whites are individual for each girl, and also depend on the day of the menstrual cycle. Anxiety can cause abundant liquid, like water, colorless discharge. It is best to contact the doctor so that he can establish the cause of the appearance of such leucorrhoea.

If there are discharges, like water

In some cases, such leukocytes are found in healthy women and do not require any treatment. For example, before ovulation cervical fluid dilutes, its amount increases. This effect has sexual hormones.

Immediately before the onset of menstruation under the influence of progesterone, the uterus prepares to implant an egg. The blood circulation of the endometrium is strengthened, besides, fluid accumulates in it. All this again can cause abundant, like water, discharge from women.

These situations can be considered the norm in the event that they are not accompanied by a feeling of discomfort, pain, itching.

Also, the appearance of liquid leucorrhoea may be the administration of oral contraceptives or various medications, for example, antibiotics. In addition, the body in this way can respond to stress, climate change.

Even such leucorrhoeas are often found in pregnant women. Then they are not pathologies.

When discharge from the vagina, like water - a sign of pathology

Sometimes, various abnormalities in the functioning of the body cause such leukemia. For example, they may have the following reasons:

All these diseases require appropriate treatment and can lead to various complications in the case of neglect of their health. Only the doctor will be able to conduct the necessary examination and prescribe the treatment. In some cases, antibiotics may be needed. If pathological leucorrhoea was caused by an infection, unprotected sex should be excluded.