St. Peter's Cathedral in the Vatican

Peter's Cathedral is one of the main attractions in Rome. And the secret of this is not only in the beauty of its architecture and interior decoration, but also in the history of this temple. Let us briefly find out what St. Peter's Cathedral in the Vatican is and how it was built.

History of the Cathedral

As you know, one of the greatest temples of Europe was erected on the site of the repose of St. Peter, who martyred on the slope of the Vatican Hill. Later, the place of his burial became a cult place: in 160 the first monument to the apostle was built here, and in 322 - the basilica. Then gradually the throne appeared, so that in the church mass was performed, and the altar above it.

Already in the Middle Ages the church of St. Peter decided to renovate and rebuild. The works lasted more than 100 years, and as a result, the Cathedral became as we know it: with an area of ​​44 thousand square meters and a height of about 46 m. ​​The 12 great architects who took part in the reconstruction project of the Cathedral made every contribution to its charm . Among them - all known Raphael and Michelangelo, as well as Bramante, Bernini, Giacomo della Porta, Carlo Moderno and others.

Impress not only the huge dimensions of the building, but also its indescribable beauty.

Interior decoration of St. Peter's Basilica (Vatican, Italy)

More than the impressive size of all three naves, a large number of tombstones, altars and statues - that is what is rich in the interior of the Cathedral. What is characteristic, the main altar of the temple is not facing east, according to church canons, and to the west. Since the time of the creation of the first basilica, and the architects, who were engaged in the restoration of St. Peter's Basilica afterwards, did not change anything.

It is impossible not to pay attention to the majestic drum dome, painted inside scenes of Paradise in the technique of mosaic. It is the highest dome in the world! And in its center is an 8-meter hole, through which natural light enters the temple.

Many sculptures, in particular, the work of the young Michelangelo "Lamentation of Christ", located in the first chapel of the right nave of the Cathedral, amaze with its beauty and accuracy. When visiting the Cathedral, pay special attention to the statue of St. Peter: according to legend, she fulfills the most cherished desires!

In addition to those described above, there are countless other works of art in the Cathedral, each of which deserves attention. And, of course, an important question is how to get to St. Peter's Cathedral in the Vatican, whether tickets are needed there. And they are needed, and it is better to purchase them in advance in order to avoid long queues. In addition, it is advisable to plan your route in such a way that a visit to the Cathedral of Peter completed the excursion program for the temples and museums of Rome.