A name for a Scottish Folded Cat

The first problem faced by anyone who has acquired a graceful friend in the image of a Scottish Fold cat is the choice for him of a suitable name. If you have a kitten with a rich pedigree, then this problem is not so complicated. Such kittens already have their name (nickname), sometimes quite long and difficult to pronounce. Focusing on the pedigree, you have only to choose a name, so to speak, for home use. For example, under the passport of your pet's name is Primetime Kristofer Arto Deen, for the domestic ones it will be Chris, Dean or Art. If you are not limited to any framework, you can choose a name for your pet, based on the peculiarities of its behavior or color.

Names for the Fold Cats of Scots

Of course, such an aristocrat among cats, like a Scot, should not be called Barsik or Vaska. It is better for Scottish Fold cats to choose more respectable names with a lingering sound (as the felinologists say, it is the fretting sounds that are best perceived by the Scottish Fold cats), for example: Quentin, Ludwig, Darling. Do not give the cat too long or complex nickname , the best option - two or three-syllable names with repeated vowels (Duncan, Irsen, Chippy, Guernel). And one more tip. If there are any other animals in your house, do not call the Scottish kitten a name that is consonant with their nickname. This can mislead the kitten, and he will not respond to your call.

Beautiful names for cats of Scots

If you find it difficult to choose a name for your cat yourself, you can use the guides that you will kindly provide at any felinological club or the following short list of names: Aman, Ammi, Akhtai, Buch, Boni, Bajun, Bamba, Vikar, Vildan, Wirth, Garnelle, Gray, Dixie, Dickey, Doris, Jacques, Iolis, Curlin, Sorcerer, Larry, Lucky, Maurice, Milky, Meach, Niels, Naim, Oscar, Patrick, Rigie, Sam, Simon, Teddy, Tori, Tom and others.