Red Karkade tea was known for a very long time and was called the "elixir of the pharaohs". What are the fruits of the Karkade tea? This magic drink is made from dried hibiscus petals. Karkad has a memorable sweetish taste, tinted with unusual sourness. Such tea can be drunk both in hot and cold. Because of this, Karkad tea will not lose any of its taste qualities or healing properties. Karkade tea is especially useful for people with diabetes? since the flowers of hibiscus contain a lot of vitamins, acids, which are good for the whole organism. Due to its diuretic and laxative properties, tea is an excellent means for weight loss.
The benefits of Karkade tea are invaluable: besides all of the above, it lowers cholesterol, strengthens blood vessels, is a strong antiseptic, improves gallbladder function, has a good effect on the organs of vision and even has a rejuvenating effect on the body. In general, Karkade tea can be called a cure for many diseases.
Contraindications: Karkade tea is not recommended for people suffering from peptic ulcer, as increased acidity of tea can irritate the gastric mucosa, urolithiasis, cholelithiasis.
How correctly to drink tea Karkade?
If you are not at home, then brew your own Karkade tea in sachets. You can add sugar and a slice of lemon to tea. You can also put in the tea thinly sliced pieces of ginger and small leaves of mint. This will give the drink a stunningly delicious flavor.
Egyptian recipe for brewing the tea of Carcade
- dry leaves of hibiscus - 15 g;
- boiled water - 1 l;
- lemon peel - to taste;
- sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- honey, cinnamon, mint - to taste.
Brew Karkade tea better in ceramic or glass dishes. Do not brew tea in metal containers, because the taste and color of tea will deteriorate when it comes into contact with the metal. So, take a bowl, put the dry petals of hibiscus on the bottom and pour cold boiled water. Leave the petals to soak for 3 hours. At the end of time, put the dishes on the stove and bring our drink to a boil. After the tea boils, reduce the heat and cook the karkade tea exactly 5 minutes.
Remove the finished tea from the fire, allow it to cool slightly and strain through gauze or a strainer. To taste, you can add honey, sugar, mint to the freshly brewed tea. Some people like to add cinnamon. She gives the carcade tea an unforgettably pleasant and delicate taste.
Karkade tea can be drunk and chilled. To do this, please wait
Classic Recipes for Cooking
The second way of making this curative drink is to brew the dry petals of hibiscus with boiling water. For this karkade pour the petals with boiling water and let the tea steep for 10 minutes.
Another unusual and longest recipe for brewing karkade tea is to insist on petals in cold boiled water. To do this, simply pour the dry petals with cold water, add the mint and leave to stand for 20 hours at room temperature.
The caught hibiscus petals should not be thrown out, they can simply be eaten, or you can even add them to different dishes. Remember that the brewed petals contain a lot of useful and valuable for the body substances.