People's signs on October 14

October 14, Orthodox people of the world celebrate the Protection of the Holy Virgin, a great holiday, revered at all times. This date is associated with an event that occurred in the tenth century in Constantinople - the phenomenon of the Queen of Heavenly people.

People's signs on October 14

It is believed that on this day winter replaces the autumn, escorting the golden beauty for the gates and taking the reins of government into their own hands. It was celebrated the end of agricultural work and harvesting, it was believed that it was time to prepare the house for the winter, to pay debts.

October 14 in the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary people according to the signs judged the weather of the coming winter:

  1. If on this day the wind blows from the south, then the winter will be warm, if from the north and east - cold, well, if it is from the west, then snowy.
  2. If the winds are confused, then the weather in winter will be changeable.
  3. The snow that falls on this day promises a week of frost.
  4. Hanging from the roof of the icicles foreshadow a long autumn.
  5. Cranes that flew south to the Pokrov, predict an early cold winter.

It is worth noting that the snow was given special importance on this day: if the earth is covered with a white carpet, then the forthcoming harvest will be good, if it fell out and immediately melted, then the winter will be of little snow.

Orthodox people celebrated the Orthodox holiday on October 14 in the church, it was considered a good sign after it was supposed to tidy up the house, caulk walls and windows, to heat the stove of apples, this ritual promised to "spend the whole winter warm." Celebration suited and cattle, treating her with a special reaping oats sheaf, harvested on 2 August in Ilin day .

The main event of the Orthodox holiday at all times were weddings, people believed that the wedding in mid-October promises a happy family life. For unmarried girls, the day of October 14 was also special, according to the signs, in order to get married as soon as possible, it was necessary to pray before the icon of the Intercession of the Mother of God and put a candle. Modern future brides believe that this holiday should be spent in fun, then a meeting with a beloved man will certainly take place this year.

For riches in the house on the Pokrov on October 14, according to a picnic, pancakes are cooked, with them the mistress must go around all corners of her dwelling and read the prayer to the Most-Holy Theotokos, only after that you can start eating. Another ritual for attracting welfare to the family is the preparation of a special loaf, which is necessary to treat all neighbors and relatives.