Mead at home - the recipe for a fragrant drink of alcohol

Mead in the home - a recipe for making a hopper drink from natural honey, you can execute it using authentic old technology or with the use of ideas adapted to modern conditions. The result will be a different alcoholic drink with thin honey notes.

Mead - good and bad

Home honey , the use of which is due to the honey used for its preparation, when used in moderation will have a beneficial effect on the body's basic systems and improve health.

  1. Components included in the mead, acting together, will help to cleanse the body of toxins, remove toxins and heavy metals.
  2. Not unknown are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and immunomodulating properties of the drink, which are irreplaceable for colds, acute respiratory infections, weakened immunity.
  3. The use of mead will increase endurance, cheer up, give strength, strengthen the nervous system and help cope with depression.
  4. Despite all the merits of mead, do not forget about its alcohol content, and alcohol abuse has not brought any benefit to anyone. Drink a drink in small doses, and under no circumstances do not give the children.

How to make mead?

Prepared classical mead at home is low-alcoholic and has a strength of 7-10%. It is preferable to use honey with a rich taste, aroma, exclusively natural and high quality to create a drink. The composition of spices can be corrected to taste or even leave only the cones of hops.



  1. Mix the water with honey and heat with stirring until boiling, removing the foam.
  2. After 1.5 hours of boiling add to the satiety hop and spices, boil for 10 minutes, remove the container from the fire.
  3. After cooling, the yeast is mixed up to 28 degrees, diluted yeast is mixed, left for 2 days in the heat, after which it is poured into the container under the septum.
  4. At the end of fermentation, filter the mead, bottled.

Carbonation of mead at home

A mead at home is a recipe for cooking, which can include a further stage, such as carbonization. Through its realization it will be possible to fill honey drink with gas bubbles, due to which it will become similar to champagne or other similar alcoholic carbonated drink.

  1. For carbonization in each bottle with strained thrown mead, add a tablespoon of honey. Capacities are capped and left for 5 days.
  2. Carbonize the ready-made drink can be selected before fermenting the wort (10% of the total). It is added to the finished mead, after which the drink is bottled, sealed, and a day later cleaned in the cold.
  3. Carbonation of mead can be performed by adding fructose or dextrose to the ready-made drink, after which the corked bottles are left for 3-5 days.

Mead at home - a simple recipe

Mead, the recipe of which will be presented further, does not require a long boiling, it is prepared simply, it turns out soft to taste with pleasant honey notes. Yeast must be previously diluted in a small volume of warm liquid, then add to the cooled down under the lid to 30-40 degrees of satiety.



  1. The production of mead begins with boiling purified water.
  2. Add honey and stir the contents of the pan until the product is completely dissolved in boiling water.
  3. After 5 minutes of boiling lay spices and hops, cover the container with a lid, turn off the fire and leave the bowl to cool down the contents.
  4. Add the diluted yeast, pour the base into the fermentation container under the septum for 5-7 days.
  5. Ready mead is bottled.

How to make honey mead from old honey?

Another proven popular recipe for mead from honey at home will make it possible to get an unusual to taste sweet and sour alcoholic drink with honey notes. To the traditional ingredients in this case, add cranberry freshly squeezed juice, and honey use the old or fermented.



  1. Dissolve honey in water, boil for 15 minutes, cool to 30 degrees.
  2. Add the juice of cranberries, spices, yeast, stir and leave to ferment for 3 days in the heat.
  3. Take the container to a cool, dark place for 3 weeks, after which the drink is bottled.

Recipe for mead at home without yeast

Made with my own hand mead at home without yeast, the recipe of which will be presented next, will have a pleasant fizzy consistency. On the surface of unwashed raisins there are wild yeast, which will become an activator of the fermentation process, so you can not wash the component in this case.



  1. Honey is dissolved in water.
  2. Put raisins in honey water, leave in a warm, dark place until the end of fermentation.
  3. The overplayed mead without yeast is bottled in dark bottles, sealed and placed in a cool place for 3-4 months.

Nonalcoholic mead - recipe

The traditional Russian drink of a mead is characterized by an alcoholic degree, which does not allow to taste the drink to those who do not drink alcohol for one reason or another. The following recipe will give you a non-alcoholic drink that contains no more than 1% alcohol. The technology of its creation is simple, simple, but time-consuming.



  1. Water mixed with honey, give it completely dissolved.
  2. Add unwashed fresh cherries, after removing the bones from them, leave the mixture to wander in a darkened place, covering with gauze.
  3. Further, the non-alcoholic mead is bottled, sealed and sealed in a cool place for 3-4 months.

Strong mead - recipe

If you need the right recipe for mead at home to get a drink of increased strength, the following option is suitable for the implementation of the idea as well as possible. Together with honey, sugar is added to the composition, which, when interacted with yeast, will fill the drink with an additional degree.



  1. In warm water, completely dissolve honey, then sugar.
  2. Dissolve in a small amount of liquid yeast, interfere with honey sweet water.
  3. Leave the container with fermented mixture in a dark place for fermentation for 7-10 days.
  4. Pour the drink into bottles, place in the cold for maturing for another 2-3 months.

Spicy mead

Preparing the mead for the next old recipe will provide an opportunity to taste an exquisite spicy drink with notes of ginger, cloves and citrus. Among the traditional additives are cinnamon, hops, nutmeg. The use of wine yeast relieves the unpleasant aftertaste obtained after fermentation on the bakery additive.



  1. Honey is mixed with water, boiled for 2 hours, stirring.
  2. Replenish the volume of water to the original, add spices and hops, cook for 40 minutes.
  3. Cool the wort to 30 degrees, mix the diluted yeast, pour into a fermentation tank with a hydroshock and leave for 2 weeks.
  4. Drain the drink from the sediment, put on the fermentation.
  5. Dilute mead in bottles, put in the cold for aging for at least a month.

Meat on vodka - recipe

Elementarily prepared mead on vodka, without requiring prolonged fermentation and aging. Honey is mixed with alcohol, insists a week. For additional taste, citrus juice, spices, fresh or dry fragrant herbs are added to the drink. It is important at the same time to choose a spirit drink of exceptionally high quality.



  1. Add honey, lemon juice, mint leaves to vodka, stir thoroughly.
  2. Leave the mixture in a tightly closed glass container for 5-7 days, from time to time shaking.
  3. The ready drink is filtered, filtered, poured into clean bottles and stored in a cool place.

Mead on alcohol

Making a mead at home on any recipe can be completed by adding alcohol, giving the drink the desired strength. The latter will depend on the amount of the additive diluted in pre-boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio. The composition can be supplemented with any other spices to choose from.



  1. In warm water, dissolve the honey, boil for 30 minutes, removing the foam.
  2. Cool the brew, add the hops and yeast, leave to wander for 3 days.
  3. They lay spices and wait for the fermentation to finish in about 5-7 days.
  4. Filter the drink, pour it on bottles and leave it to ripen for a month.
  5. Before serving, bring the mead to the desired strength with alcohol.

With what drink mead?

Having prepared your own tasty home-made mead, it's time to get acquainted with the rules of the drink and the traditions of its use.

  1. Mead is preferably served as an aperitif before an abundant and hearty meal in order to increase appetite, increase the secretion of gastric juice and thereby speed up digestive processes.
  2. The ideal snack for mead - wetted apples, cranberries, cloudberries, lingonberries, salted watermelons, pickled cucumbers and other pickles.
  3. In addition to pickles, jam, smoked or salted meats, all kinds of fresh vegetables, sour-sweet fruits and berries are served to the drink.
  4. A suitable snack will be baked with meat, cheese and cottage cheese (sweet and snack).
  5. It is not recommended to serve fish and seafood, which are considered to be completely unsuitable for the flavor characteristics of a similar beverage.

How much is the mead stored?

As mentioned above, mead should be consumed in small portions, which obliges to ensure the prepared beverage proper storage conditions.

  1. Ideal containers for the safety of intoxicating honey drink are bottles, bottles and jars of glass. In Russia, the drink was stored in oak barrels, which only improved its taste.
  2. Hermetically sealed containers are placed in a cellar, cellar or cool pantry without access to light.
  3. The shelf life of mead can vary depending on the method of its preparation, and on average is 5-7 years for yeast versions and 15-20 years for bezdozherzhevyh.