Lip Oil

Many girls are faced with a problem when lips dry out excessively and cracks can appear on the delicate skin. Fight this problem with lip oil. The choice here is very wide.

Effect of oils on the skin of the lips

Owing to their properties, oils help saturate the skin with nutrients and can cope with dryness perfectly.

One of the most common is olive oil for the lips. Thanks to the antioxidants included in its composition, it is possible to successfully combat the appearance of premature wrinkles near the contour of the lips.

The same properties have a peach oil for lips, which can be applied both before going out to the street, and before going to bed, leaving it for the whole night.

Castor oil for the lips is perfect not only for additional moisturizing, but also for fighting cracks. It is necessary only to periodically lubricate the inflamed area. In doing so, you should try to prevent the oil from getting into your mouth.

How to make the lips soft and plump?

Those girls who suffer not only from the dryness of the lips in winter, but also want to slightly increase them, should acquire a means to increase them. One of the most effective is peppermint oil for the lips. Thanks to its components, which increase blood circulation, the lips will become slightly chubby than usual. There may be a slight tingling sensation or a characteristic chill.

But the almond oil for the lips, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, will help to make your lips very soft and tender. The main thing is to use this remedy regularly.

How to apply oil properly?

To begin with, you should check your body for an allergic reaction to a new oil. To do this, you need a small the amount of the agent is applied to a part of the skin (the inner side of the hand is best suited for the test) and wait a while. If there is no burning sensation, no redness, then you can safely apply this oil.

To effectively affect the skin, it should be applied correctly. Therefore, never cover your lips with oil just before you go outside. It will not have time to soak in properly and, accordingly, will not act in full force. This should be done at least an hour before applying lipstick and leaving the house.

The oil can be used not only during the day, but also to treat the skin for the night. The oil mask applied before going to sleep will give your lips a fresh and appetizing look.