Fashion 60-ies

Every year, famous fashion designers use in their collections trends that were relevant a few dozen years ago. Over the past few years, no show has gone through at least one image of "the past," for example, models of clothing similar in style and fashion from the 60's. Not every fashionista today can boast of knowing how this or that outfit was created, moreover, it is almost impossible to keep track of the time of creating all the models of clothes, and this is not necessary. Let's talk more about the fashion of the 60s.

European and Soviet fashion of the 60s

It was in the 60s of the 20th century that fashion acquired a new meaning for the inhabitants of the whole planet. At this time people have completely changed the opinion about the femininity and behavior of the fair sex in society. Women began to dress much more relaxed. It was in the 60's that the fashion for dresses-trapezium appeared, that among the girls entailed a passion for diets.

If you look into the history of fashion in the 60s, you can see that in this period, natural fabrics come out of fashion. In place of cotton, wool and silk come synthetic fabrics and all kinds of leatherette. Such fabrics were in demand among young people for several reasons: first, they were easily erased, secondly, they did not require ironing, and, thirdly, the advantage was a relatively inexpensive cost.

Fashion for dresses in the mid-60's became relevant due to the new hippy movement. For representatives of this group of people, the important factor was the fabric of clothing. The hippies could be recognized from clothes, mostly of natural fabrics, with signs of weariness. Due to the style of these people's clothes, such trends as "retro", "unisex", "ethno", "folk" were created, but the most common phenomenon can be considered jeans fashion. Often you could meet a girl in a street in a light silk dress with a jeans jacket casually thrown over her shoulders. This phenomenon looks more like the style of the American fashion of the 60s, but today he can not leave indifferent any fashionista.

Styles of the 60's and new movements

Fashion America of the 60's, no doubt, influenced the fashion trends and behavior of domestic youth. One of the proofs of this is the development of the youth fashion, the so-called "Baby Boomers", born back in the 50's. Many young people in this period became independent of their parents, they had a desire to "stand out from the crowd." And this was manifested in everything: from the music that was alien to their parents, to, naturally, the appearance. So, in the 60's, on the streets there were stilyogi, whose fashion was perplexed by the older generation. The purpose of this fashion movement was the opportunity to radically emphasize the differences between young people and older people.

By right, the women's fashion of the 60s can be considered a "breakthrough" for the fair sex, because the desire to be beautiful and stylish is inherent in every woman on Earth. It is important to note that it was in the 1960s, and specifically in 1961, that the Fashion House of Yves Saint Laurent was opened, whose designers were among the founders of the new women's fashion. Everyone knows that the new is a well-forgotten old. Do not forget about this, because the fashion is not only unpredictable, but also cyclical, and no one knows, the fashion trends of which of the previous years in the next season will again shine on the pedestal of fashion. The most important thing is to be always confident in yourself, no matter what you are wearing. Is your image represented by clothes from the fashion of the bright 60s or more daring 90s? This is less important than your feelings during the wearing of this clothing.