Diathesis in children

The problem of rosy cheeks in children requires the most serious attitude to yourself. Despite the fact that diathesis in children has become almost universal, it must be treated on time. Diabetics in children under one year of doctors are considered a deviation from the norm, since it characterizes the abnormal reaction of the child's body to a particular stimulus.

Diathesis refers to the tendency of the body to do something, for example, to allergies. It is important to know that this is not a disease, but a condition. They do not get sick, and, therefore, it can not be cured.

Symptoms of diathesis in children

Surely everyone knows what diathesis looks like in children: baby's cheeks are covered with red specks, which, after combing due to severe itching, are covered with crusts. Other manifestations of this state include:

To remote manifestations (consequences) can be attributed in some cases, the lag in physical development. In severe cases, inflammation of the larynx, tonsils, nasopharynx.

Hemorrhagic diathesis in children is a syndrome that combines some hereditary and acquired diseases, manifested in a predisposition of the baby's organism to bleeding due to the fragility of the vascular wall. In children this condition manifests itself in the formation of hematomas, even with the slightest traumatic effect on the skin. On the whole body, spotted hemorrhagic rash may occur, in severe cases, lesions of large joints, strokes, irreversible damage to the visual organ.

Allergic diathesis in children is observed much more often. A child can be hereditarily predisposed to it, although immunity can also fail. Great influence is rendered by unfavorable ecology of a place of residing of a family, transfer of some infectious diseases. If the mother during the pregnancy suffered from toxicosis, disrupted the diet or used some unwanted medication, then this can also cause manifestations of the condition in question.

Treatment of pediatric diathesis

If diathesis in children is diagnosed, the diet becomes the main element of treatment. The child is transferred to a rational diet in order to exclude the effect of allergens on the baby's body. From the diet of the baby is completely excluded: meat and chicken broths, any products of red color, sweets and sugar, cow milk, sour cream, egg yolk, semolina and millet porridge, apricots, citrus fruits, pomegranates, peaches, melons, nuts (especially peanuts), chocolate, any delicacies. In the diet, the proportion of carbohydrates, salt and fat decreases. If breastfeeding takes place, then the above-mentioned products should be abandoned by the breastfeeding mother.

For small patients, the doctor will prescribe anti-itch preparations, as well as sedatives. A course of vitamin therapy may be prescribed. Local treatment may consist of lotions and ointment therapy. Well, baths with a turn and bark of an oak help a lot.

Ointments for diathesis for children should be selected with special care, so as not to have the opposite effect, if suddenly allergies to the ointment develop. Some ointments (for example, Advantan, Celestoderm) contain hormones in small amounts. They allow to neutralize the inflammation. However, there is also a group of non-hormonal ointments that are aimed at softening the skin and eliminating itching. This, for example, Fenistil-gel , Dimedrol. It should be remembered that Levomekol and Vishnevsky ointment should be used with extreme caution in children.

To treat the syndrome in question is necessary on time, because, by running it, parents and doctors provide the ground for launching allergic mechanisms, chronic forms of allergy, atopic dermatitis and even bronchial asthma.