Microinfarction - symptoms

Microinfarction of the heart, in a professional environment - small-focal myocardial infarction, for a long time was considered a truly male disease. This is explained simply: the hormone estrogen, actively produced by the female body before menopause, protects the heart of a woman from this disease. But, nevertheless, statistics ruthlessly ascertains from 200 to 300 female deaths a day from problems related to the cardiovascular system and heart attacks, among others.

Main symptoms and peculiarities of microinfarction

One of the features of a heart microinfarction is that sometimes a person learns about such a diagnosis already much later. Symptoms of a heart microinfarction are sometimes very easy to confuse with a common cold - a slight increase in temperature, body aches, weakness and chest pain. At the same time, the manifestations of microinfarction symptoms in women are less pronounced than those of the stronger sex. The microinfarction itself is rather limited in time. Its duration takes approximately 40-60 minutes.

At this time, the obvious symptoms of heart problems can be the following:

  1. Appearance of sudden burning pain on the left side, radiating to the scapula, shoulder, jaw. Approximately 25% of patients who underwent a microinfarction do not experience pain, usually they are elderly people with diabetes mellitus having a low pain threshold.
  2. Perhaps an increase in body temperature, which is due to necrosis of the heart tissue.
  3. Appearance of cyanosis of the lips or nasolabial triangle.
  4. There may also be shortness of breath , dizziness, even loss of consciousness.

Concomitant signs of heart microinfarction in women

It is the weak expression of the microinfarction signs in women that makes you be more attentive to your body and health. Sometimes, writing off everything for fatigue and stress, you can skip the first bells of the malfunction in the heart muscle. Here are the most common of the signs:

  1. Feeling of freezing fingers and toes - due to the violation of peripheral blood supply.
  2. Perhaps the appearance of swelling of the feet in the morning, the aches in the joints of the hands, anxiety, increased sweating - all this is also a sign of possible violations in the work of the heart.
  3. The structure of the body of a woman is such that the diaphragm is located higher than the diaphragm in a man. And, consequently, the lower part of the heart is located closer to the stomach. Therefore, frequent nausea and pain in the epigastric region can also signal problems with the heart.
  4. Regular headaches accompanying high blood pressure should be the reason for the visit to the cardiologist.

Consequences of myocardial microinfarction

The severity of the consequences of a microinfarct depends on several factors:

Sometimes an unnoticed microinfarction of the myocardium can give more serious consequences than the extensive one. Such consequences can be:

To reduce the likelihood of heart microinfarctions, one should follow simple rules:

  1. To lead an active way of life (playing sports, kardiotagruzki, walks in the fresh air).
  2. Do not combine drinking with smoking, and if possible, exclude these bad habits.
  3. Regularly undergo prophylactic medical examination.
  4. After reaching the age of 40, it is worth taking medications that support the cardiac muscle and reduce the possible negative factors of the not quite correct way of life.