Why can not I drink water right after eating?

The organism of each person is arranged in its own way, but the water for each person plays a big role. As you know, a person is 90% water, and therefore the amount should be replenished regularly. But there are some restrictions on the intake of fluid each person should know why you can not drink water immediately after eating.

Water after eating is not useful!

Proponents of proper nutrition know exactly, water is not always useful. The human body is tender and vulnerable and copious intake of cold water can disrupt some processes. Warm teas, compotes, fruit drinks are not at all contraindicated after eating, because they do not violate the natural process of digesting food. The main reason why you can not drink cold water after eating is slowing down the digestion and clogging of food in the intestines.

There is a certain subtype of dietary nutrition, in which two glasses of water of room temperature are drunk before eating, and after eating, water is not taken within two hours. Experts noted that This method actually helps to lose excess pounds and adjust the body to the right activity. If you know exactly how much you can not drink water after a meal, you can even raise your immunity , and avoid intestinal diseases.

Cold water and food - always incompatible

The system of fast food work is designed just for drinking cold liquid after eating. After washing, a person does not feel saturated, and therefore gets additional (extra) portions. Doctors, nutritionists say that you can not drink water after a meal, it can contribute to the development of unwanted obesity . As you can see, even water, if not properly used, can be harmful. Watch your body, and then he will tell you good health.