Seabass fish - good and bad

Seabass belongs to the perch family. The meat of this sea fish is very tender, has a delicate taste and practically does not contain bones. What is a seabass fish - it has silvery sides and a white abdomen, young individuals on their back have small dark spots. The length of the sea bass reaches 1 meter, and the weight can be up to 12 kilograms, but more often small specimens are caught, up to 50 centimeters. On sale, there is mainly an artificially grown fish.

How many calories in seabass fish?

The answer to the question is whether seabass is fatty fish or not, lies in its calorie content and composition. In 100 grams of this fish contains only 99 calories. Of the 100 grams of the product, only 27 grams are fats, and the rest are proteins, carbohydrates are completely absent. Caloric content of sea bass will vary depending on the method of preparation. The most calories in fried fish, and the most low-calorie option is boiled fish and steamed.

Seabass fishes use

Seabass contains fatty polyunsaturated acids and Omega-3 acids, which are necessary for the human body. It contains vitamins D, PP, K, A, B and E, as well as useful minerals such as selenium, magnesium, potassium, calcium , iron, zinc, chromium and iodine.

Seabass has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Regular use of this fish will improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, improves concentration and memory, in addition, seabass restores the nervous system, improves appetite, speeds up metabolism, acts as a preventive against anemia, atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease . It removes harmful substances from the body and reduces the level of cholesterol.

Seabass fish can not only benefit, but also harm, but only in the case of individual intolerance or the presence of allergies.