Is hives common?

Many people, at the sight of noticeable rashes on the skin, besides accompanied by scratching, from someone around them, first of all fear that this pathology is contagious. Often on this background, because of lack of information and unreasonable fears, even conflict situations arise. If the rashes have the appearance of pale pink or reddish flat blisters resembling burns from the nettle, this lesion is most likely a urticaria. Consider what kind of illness, and whether urticaria is contagious to others or not.

Causes of urticaria

The main factor causing hives is an allergic reaction. At the same time, various external and internal stimuli can act as allergens:

Much less often, urticaria is one of the manifestations of internal diseases:

In such cases, as a rule, hives are characterized by a chronic course with less pronounced manifestations, periods of remission and exacerbation.

Is hives infectious to other people?

Surely it can be said that urticaria associated with allergies is not transmitted to other people, i.e. absolutely not contagious. But also in the case when urticaria is a consequence of chronic infections in the body, it is worthwhile to fear and take into account the danger of infection not by rashes, but by the main disease that a person suffers. As a rule, elementary rules of hygiene make it possible to reduce the risk of infection with infections that provoke hives on the skin, to a minimum.