The goddess Athena - what does she look like and what does she patronize?

Ancient Greek mythology is very bright, because of the many gods and goddesses represented in it. One of the extraordinary representatives is the beautiful blonde goddess Athena Pallada. Her father, none other than the supreme god Zeus, the lord of heaven. In its importance, Athena is not inferior, and sometimes superior to her powerful father. Her name is immortalized in the name of the Greek city - Athens.

Who is Athena?

The appearance of Athena is shrouded in secrets, from the text of the ancient source of "Theogony" it follows that Zeus learned: his wise wife Metida should give birth to great daughter and son. The ruler did not want to give his reins to anyone, and swallowed his pregnant wife. Later, having felt a strong headache, Zeus asked God of Hephaestus to strike him with a hammer on the head - so the goddess of war and wisdom appeared in all her armament. Owning the strategies and tactics of conducting fair wars, Athena succeeded and became also the patroness in many kinds of crafts:

What does Athena look like?

The Greek goddess Athena is traditionally depicted in a military garb, with a majestic bearing in her hand a spear that shines in the sun. Homer, the ancient narrator of the epic poem "Illyada," describes Athena as a light-eyed, with a sharp gaze, full of power in golden armor, the beautiful but "soft-hearted" Virgin. Artists portrayed a goddess with a stern, pensive face, in a long robe (peplos) or shell.

The symbol of Athena

In mythology, every object of clothing, the background around the deity is replete with different symbolism, which has a sacred meaning. These archetypes are the link between people and gods. Knowing these symbols, in the person's memory , images appear, with which you can identify a character. The symbolism of Athena is easily recognizable:

Children Athens

Ancient Greek goddess Athena was considered a chaste virgin, Eros himself ignored the request of his mother Aphrodite's goddess to let Athena arrow love, because she was afraid even to fly past because of the terrible look of the goddess. Nevertheless, the joys of motherhood were not alien to Athena and she raised adopted children:

The myth of the goddess Athena

Ancient Greek mythology describes gods who are like people: they love, hate, seek power, crave for recognition. Interesting myth about Athena, in which Cecrops, the first Athenian king, could not decide who to be the patron of the city. Athena and Poseidon (the god of the ocean) began to argue, Cecrops invited the gods to resolve the dispute in the following way: to invent the most useful object. Poseidon carved a source of water with a trident, Athena slammed a spear into the ground and an olive tree appeared. Women voted for Athena, men for Poseidon, so Athens had two patrons.