Climacteric syndrome

The period in the life of every woman who loses her sexual functions with age, is called a climacteric syndrome, and this happens to 40-45 years. The ovaries eventually produce less progesterone and estrogen, the monthly cycle is lost, and the secretions themselves become irregular, scarce. The chances of successful conception, and even more so the birth, of the child are inexorably decreasing. Sometimes menopausal syndrome in women is a consequence of the transferred gynecological operations.

The life of women at this age is still active and saturated, many peaks are already subdued, but there is still much to be desired. Sometimes you have to lose parents or take care of them, and children at this time already live their lives. The first symptoms of climacteric syndrome women in this period perceive as something terrible, like a catastrophe, which means impending old age. Wrinkles, stress, depression do not add optimism. But the climax is a process that is inevitable and quite natural, therefore, it should be taken correctly.


About 90% of women feel the approach of menopause. The main symptoms of climacteric syndrome are psychoemotional disorders. Every woman experiences this period in her own way, because there is no general picture of the syndrome. Some become forgetful, others - restless and inattentive, and still others are constantly drowsy and quickly tired. An ordinary unpleasant event can cause a lot of stress, and the pressure constantly goes down, then it rises. Often women are troubled by a rush of intense heat, on the neck and chest may appear red spots, which are called "vascular necklace".

Psychoemotional Disorder

Weakness, persistent depression, fatigue, inattention, irritability and anxiety are the manifestations of the moderate climacteric syndrome, which bothers not only the woman herself, but also the people who surround her. Many believe that menopausal disorders are a sign of weakness, inability to behave in the hands, absurdity and hysteria. If relatives in this period do not support a woman, then the condition will worsen. That is why lonely, non-initiative, childless and simply weak women are most likely to be affected by mental disorders. The mild and moderate severity of the syndrome is treated with drugs of natural origin and a healthy lifestyle. If a woman does her favorite thing or finds a new hobby, the symptoms will become less noticeable, and the overall emotional background will improve.

Neurovegetative disorder

More serious are vasovegetative manifestations of climacteric syndrome, characterized by hot flashes, palpitations and breathing, headaches, redness of the skin and pressure surges. So the pronounced climacteric syndrome makes itself felt. Sometimes, tides can last up to an hour, but often recede in a few minutes.


If the climacteric syndrome (like the premenstrual syndrome) is too troubling for a woman, having a negative impact on working capacity, relationships in the family and with colleagues, then it is worth using drugs and drugs that stop and relieve manifestations of menopause. Depending on the severity, you can help yourself. In the pharmacy chain, various biologically active supplements are sold that can improve well-being, but they need to be treated with care, because often their safety and effectiveness are not confirmed. If phytopreparations do not help, then the doctor can prescribe hormonal drugs, hypnotics, antidepressants.

In general, the best prevention of climacteric syndrome is a healthy lifestyle, activity and optimism.