White envy

To begin with, everyone envies everything. There are people who call themselves non-spontaneous, and, probably, they really experience this feeling less often than those who in front of everyone blacken from someone else's success . It is commonly believed that there is envy of white and black, so let's see if there is a place in our lexicon for "good" envy.

Is there a difference?

White envy is when there is no annoyance and irritation in your feelings, there is only a sincere admiration for the achievement of the other. But since the very concept of envy involves the presence of vexation, comparison, not the best wishes towards the object of envy, the white variation does not fit the standards. White envy is simply not there.

The so-called, black envy - this is the true manifestation of this psychological term.

We give two examples. If your girlfriend got herself together and went on a diet, as a result of which she lost weight, you can experience the following feelings:

Smoothly we came to the question of why women envy each other.

Women's Envy

There are no girlfriends among women, there are only competitors. In principle, all people, evolutionarily, treat each other as competitors, but in women, in connection with the struggle for the attention of the male, this is more pronounced.

Have you ever thought about why people envy each other, only with a relatively equal social position? You will be jealous of a friend who bought a new laptop, but you will not feel this feeling for the oligarch, just bought a new yacht.

Evolution has made us competitors, and this is the guarantee of the viability of mankind. But we compete at our own level. An oligarch with a budget of 5 billion will envy the oligarch with 12 billion, and you will answer - "I would have your problems." Envy can be both useful and productive. When you are annoyed that you do not have what your friend has, direct that feeling in a positive direction and determine: does the item of envy matter for you? If so, go ahead to the achievements, and if not, you will cease to be jealous.