Separate diet for weight loss

Theories of separate nutrition - not one thousand years. Already in Yoga we find references to products that are "friendly" or "hostile" to each other. Therefore, we can say that in the first place, separate food is used not so much for weight loss, as for the overall health of the body. Nevertheless, you can lose weight on a separate diet - and, quite easily and efficiently.

The meaning of the theory of separate nutrition is based on the fact that combinations of some products make it very difficult for our body to digest them, while the joint consumption of others does not create any problems for the body. Therefore, wanting to use a separate diet for weight loss, just take note of some of the main points of this theory - because there are no special diets for losing weight on a separate diet.

Principles of Separate Nutrition

We list the main postulates adopted in separate nutrition. You can use them both for weight loss, and to just help your body stay healthy as long as possible.


Particularly well separate food for weight loss is that the recipes you make yourself, to your liking. One basic rule should be remembered: the safest side dish will always be greens (onions, sorrel, green salad, etc.) and non-starchy vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, sweet pepper, etc.). Serve them to meat and fish fearlessly - both in raw and in boiled form. Starchy vegetables (potatoes, beans, eggplant, zucchini) are quite satisfying on their own, so they should be cooked separately.

Separate food is ideal for losing weight and because it "divides" the food you eat, forcing you to eat often. This keeps your gastrointestinal tract clean, because the right combination of foods and their small portions help the body digest them easily and quickly.

If you are interested, do the following small experiment. Put in the pan what you usually ate for "one sitting" for lunch or dinner (for example, meat with pasta or fish with potatoes, a piece of cake or pie, etc.). Then tightly cover the pan with a lid and leave it to stand for 8 hours at room temperature (exactly the same temperature in our stomach). After 8 hours, open the lid and sniff the contents of the pan - that's how the contents of your stomach smelt.

You will see that losing weight on a separate diet is very easy, because you do not need to constantly keep a calorie counter ready. All that is required of you is to help your body to earn money. Separate proteins and carbohydrates - this will be the main diet for weight loss, used in separate nutrition.