Fish dumplings

Dishes similar to dumplings and vareniki are known in culinary cultures of different countries and peoples.

Dumplings - not only one of the most popular dishes, it is also very profitable. In general, it is convenient when there are pelmeni in the freezer (only you have to work a little at first) - they can be cooked at any moment.

For vegetarians who do not eat meat at all, for those who fast and just for making variety in the podnadoevshee menu will be interesting recipes for fish dumplings. Strictly speaking, in cooking they do not differ much from ordinary meat. In fact, it's just dumplings with minced fish.

Dough can be different, from the simplest unleavened fresh (flour + water) to various recipes with the inclusion of different types of flour, as well as eggs and dairy products.

How to cook fish dumplings with minced cod or pollock?


for the test:

For filling:


If the fish is frozen, unfreeze it in a colander - no extra water is needed in the filling. We pass the fish through the meat grinder along with the onion. Season with spices and salt. You can add an egg to the stuffing, and if it's watery - a little flour or starch.

Prepare the dough. We must sift the flour, add eggs, salt, milk or water and knead the dough. It should not be too steep. We knead by hands, greased with oil. Roll out into thin strata and cut out the circles with a glass.

Now we make fish dumplings. Spoon spoon into the center of a circle of minced beans and splinter the edges, we give each product the usual form for pelmeni.

We cook the dumplings in the following way: we throw them into a pot of boiling water, wait until they come up and the water boils again, reduce the fire and cook for 5-6 minutes. We remove the prepared dumplings and put them on the plates.

You can serve fish dumplings, seasoning with a piece of butter or sour cream, with fish broth , sprinkling with natural vinegar or lemon juice. And, of course, pelt the pork slightly. Sprinkle with chopped herbs and garlic. You can still serve some sauces. Under fish dumplings you can serve vodka, bitter tinctures or gin.

If you stuck fish dumplings for a few days, they should be stored in the refrigerator freezer in a closed container or packed in paper, you only need to lightly powder them with flour before freezing. Freeze on paper or on a plate in 1 layer, then you can put it in a box or a paper bag. It is advisable to use within 2-4 weeks.

If the freezer is powerful, providing a temperature of -18 degrees C, you can store for 6 months without defrosting. Frozen dumplings cook as you just cooked - throw into boiling water and cook for 5-6 minutes after boiling.

Dumplings from pink salmon - a particularly exquisite delicacy

All the proportions of the products are the same as in the previous recipe (see above), and cook also, only instead of black ground pepper it is better to use red or white. It will also be very appropriate to serve berry sauces (from cranberries, cranberries, red currants). Fish dumplings from pike or pike perch or other lean both river and sea fish are prepared in the same way as in the first recipe (see above).

But if the fish is fat (carp, fowl, etc.), then it is definitely necessary to add a little flour or starch (preferably corn) to the ground to correct the texture and that the pelmeni do not creep away during cooking. If the filling is fat enough, you need to place a lump on the dough round very gently and pinch the edges of the dumplings also neatly and tightly.