How to grow cucumbers - secrets of planting and feeding

How to grow cucumbers is theoretically known to every vegetable gardener. But not always the result corresponds to the expected result. A rich harvest is a reward of industrious and scrupulous, aware of the subtleties of all the stages of cultivation of this delicious subtropical vegetable.

Cucumbers - planting

The secrets of growing cucumbers are extremely simple. They are:

The cucumber grows well on cultivated areas with a southern slope on sandy loamy soils with a neutral and slightly acidic reaction. But even the most ideal place may not come to the plant's liking, if earlier there were planted pumpkin, watermelon, beetroot, sunflower or tomatoes. Do not recommend agronomists to grow cucumbers in one area for two consecutive years - this can lead to the spread of certain diseases (fusarium wilt, anthracnose, bacteriosis).

The temperature regime and humidity determine the method and timing of the cucumber planting. In warm regions, a good crop yields the planting of seeds in the open ground. Seedling method of cultivation is optimal for climatic zones with low temperature indices. This method is also good because it allows you to get an early harvest - for 2-3 weeks the plants planted with seedlings outstrip their brethren who broke out of the seeds in the open ground. An order of magnitude easier to provide the plant with the desired temperature regime, illumination and watering in the greenhouse.

Technology of growing cucumber - beds

Soil for cucumber requires careful preparation in advance. In autumn the site needs to be plowed and organic, phosphoric and potassium fertilizers are introduced. In the spring, this can not be done, since a high concentration of nutrients can be detrimental to plants. If the soil acidity level is increased, limestone fertilizers should be added. Nitrogen fertilizing should be made in the spring during the cultivation of the soil before planting and during the growth of the plant.

Cultivation and care of cucumbers in the open ground will give worthy results with the proper preparation of seeds. The planting material must be heat treated, soaked in microelements and etched. Terms of sowing vegetables should be late - in middle climatic strips landing should be made not earlier than mid-May, when the soil warms up to +15 ... + 17 ° С. Sow the seeds in the wells (with an interval of 50-60 cm, located in one or two rows). 4-5 seeds are put in each well. The depth of sowing is up to 2 cm on heavy loamy soils, up to 4 cm - on light sandy soils.

Growing cucumber seedlings

Strengthened seedlings, planted in the ground, begin to bear fruit earlier for two weeks than shrubs grown from seeds. For this reason, many truck farmers prefer seedling method, especially in those climatic zones where spring does not spoil the heat. Cooking seedlings begin in advance, since they need to plant them in early June, and at the time of planting on the plant should be 3-4 leaves and its age should be 20-25 days. Optimal conditions for cultivation of cucumber seedlings:

Cultivation of cucumbers from seeds

A good harvest is possible when planting seeds in open ground. In this case, special attention should be given to the presowing preparation of planting material:

Methods of growing cucumbers

There are several ways to grow cucumbers. They are predetermined by the variety, the availability of free space, the quality of the soil, the temperature regime and the features of irrigation. Some methods of growing cucumbers require additional costs for the construction of poles and the purchase of special containers. The most popular among gardeners are the following methods:

  1. Vasstil. Cucumber whips spread all over the bed and fully use sunlight. The disadvantage of the method is the high probability of damaging the stems and root system when loosening the soil and watering.
  2. On the trellis. The plants are planted in two rows, the stakes are driven in, and the trellis wire is fastened to them. When answering the question how to grow cucumbers by tapping, it is important to note that in this case it is necessary to choose a place protected from winds and drafts.
  3. In barrels. The original way to save space - growing cucumbers in barrels is considered relatively new, but is already widely used among gardeners and truck farmers. The barrels are filled with grass, manure, the earth is poured from above, watered and the ground is left to stand for a week. Then plant 5-8 seeds.

Conditions for growing cucumbers

The cucumber is a heat-loving plant, it will not tolerate frosts, even a temperature of + 10 ° C may be fatal to it. The ideal regime for a vegetable is 25-30 ° C and humidity not lower than 70-80%. At a temperature of + 15 ° C, shoots slow their growth. Cultivation of cucumbers in the open ground assumes frequent loosening of soil and weeding of weeds. Experienced truck farmers prefer to replace the last two procedures by mulching the soil .

Cultivation of cucumbers in the soil - watering

Before the beginning of the vegetation period, the plant should be watered moderately at a rate of 4-6 liters per 1 m 2 after 5-6 days, a flowering and fruit-bearing shrub needs intensive moistening - 6-12 liters every other day. Watering should be done with warm water and only in the evening. To avoid damaging the fragile root system, you should use watering cans and sprayers. Growing and caring for cucumbers in late summer means reducing the frequency of watering. Overabundance of moisture in the cooled soil can lead to the formation of root rot.

Tips for growing cucumbers - top dressing

Regular fertilizing appears in the list of secrets of cultivation of cucumbers. Having a weak root system, the plant needs an additional source of useful elements, which are rich in organic fertilizers. The first top dressing is performed at the beginning of flowering, during the active fruiting period - every 10-15 days. As a fertilizer, you can use a solution of bird droppings (diluted in water 1:20) or mullein (in a ratio of 1:10). As you grow under the bushes you can pour peat. Useful for cucumbers and foliar top dressing - spraying with a special solution "Ovary" .

Growing cucumbers in the garden - diseases and pests

Common pest of cucumber are wireworms, aphids, sprouts, spider mites. You can fight them by treating insecticides with bushes ("Fosbetsid", "Agravertin", "Phytoferm", "Carbophos"). Peculiarities of growing cucumbers suggest the prevention of diseases such as powdery mildew, bacteriosis, anthracnose. For these purposes, seed dressing is performed, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, the plants are sprayed with a solution of potassium permanganate, sulfaride, sprinkled with ground sulfur.