The crisis of 7 years in a child - age psychology

More than once, and not two parents have to face the problems of age-related psychology in the child, and the crisis of 7 years is another test for the family. This difficult period will go more smoothly if adults put themselves in the place of their grown-up children and try to smooth out all the "sharp corners".

Why is the problem of crisis in a child 6-7 years old?

Perhaps, changes in the behavior of yesterday's baby occur gradually and parents do not notice how it changed. Or these metamorphoses begin from nowhere, one day. Lovely, complaisant child begins to mimic parents, make faces, offend younger sisters or brothers. He tries to react very violently, with tears, cries and fists.

Seven Years suddenly realize that they are just as full people as the others, and they want that hour to have these rights, but they themselves do not yet understand exactly what they are expressing. It is at this time that children are preparing to go to school or already go to first grade. Their psyche from gaming activities is dramatically restructured to study, which can not but affect the behavior of the child.

Like any other crisis - this also indicates a jump in psychological growth, which can not pass serenely. It happens when the child grows in certain stages, limbs are stretched out, but the body is very hard at this time, and it reacts with night pains in the legs, which the parents mistakenly take as rheumatic.

At this time the child begins to realize where the truth is, and where the lie, he has some sort of certain fears, but at the same time he becomes free from child stereotypes. This can manifest itself in the spoiling of your favorite toys, refusing to kiss, as before, my mother before going to bed, he begins to think in an adult way and in the speech slips words from the non-dictionary lexicon, often whose meaning he does not yet understand.

How to behave to parents in the crisis of 7 years?

But what to do to parents, when the crisis of 6-7 years has suddenly come, how to react, to help the child to adapt to his new "I" - let's find out.

Now every third child has moments of lies, when he deceives the elders for any reason, he does not fulfill basic requests, although he did it unconditionally earlier.

This does not mean that suddenly it has become bad, and only says that the formation of the personality is taking place, the child checks possible reactions of adults to different stimuli. Punish, especially with the use of physical force, for this is absolutely impossible - you can lose the trust of your child.

It should not be scolded and ridiculed - this will only exacerbate the situation. To help, it is necessary, as clearly as possible, to build the regime of the day, reconstructing it gradually under the student's schedule. This is necessary for both physical and mental balance.

A son or daughter must have clear rules, which they already perfectly understand, but parents are forbidden to be inconsistent. It is not necessary to apply multiple restrictions - there will be enough of several that will secure life and health, and not prohibit all the joys of life.

As much as possible should praise the child, even for minor acts, but to ridicule and curse it gently, trying to point out a slip, and not make a tragedy of it. If in the face of parents the child sees allies, then the crisis will pass quickly and without strong shocks.