How to fry smelt in a frying pan?

A small and easy-to-prepare fish smelt has established itself as a terrific snack for a glass of foam, which can be prepared in large batches in just a few minutes. To prepare this inexpensive fish it is possible simply so, or preliminary having sprinkled with a flour, crackers or having dipped in a dairy . Read more about how to fry smelt in a frying pan in the following recipes.

How delicious to fry smelt in a frying pan?

Let's start with the simplest variation of the recipe, for which it is enough to season the fish and sprinkle it with flour. To prevent flour from burning during cooking, spoiling the whole taste and aroma of fish, you should carefully brush off its excess before roasting.

The ready ruddy smelt is ideal in the company of a light horseradish sauce, the recipe of which we will also give below.


For fish:

For sauce:


Before frying smelt in flour, the fish should be gutted and rinsed well, and then dried. Flour should be mixed with a pinch of salt, and then roll in each of the prepared fish.

The secret of the correct crispy smelt is the correct amount of oil: it should not be small, so that the fish does not stick, but there is no need to dilute the fryer either. After heating a couple of centimeters of oil, put a fish into it and fry it until it turns brown.

While the smelt is fried, mix sour cream with horseradish sauce and apple cider vinegar, add salt. Finish the fish on napkins and immediately try it - most delicious immediately after cooking.

How correctly to fry smelt in a frying pan?

Another way to make smelt crispy is to roll it in bread crumbs. For a larger flavor variety to the crumb we will add a little dried garlic and hot pepper, but your supplements can be quite any.



Fill the frying pan with vegetable oil for 4-5 cm and place it on medium heat. While the oil reaches the required temperature, take hold of the fish. Small fish can not be cleaned, but simply rinsed, dried and then rolled in a mixture of breadcrumbs and dried garlic. Lower the fish into the preheated oil and leave it to form a blush on the surface. Transfer to napkins and drizzle fish with lemon juice if desired.

How to fry small smelt in a frying pan?

A fine smelt should be as crispy as possible and it can be provided with a simple batter.



Flour should be combined with the beaten egg, add a pinch of salt and pour in the milk. After repeated whipping and obtaining a homogeneous batter, the rinsed shallow smelt is dropped into it and mixed well.

Before placing each of the fish in boiling oil, the excess of batter should be allowed to drain. After roasting until golden brown, the fish is transferred to napkins and served with a favorite sauce or simply.

How quickly to fry small smelt?



Prepare a breading from a mixture of flour, salt and starch. The latter will ensure the appearance on the fish of a dense crispy crust. Dip fish in the resulting mixture and fry in an abundance of preheated oil until golden brown. Put the ready fish on the napkins. You can additionally pour the fish with lemon juice or serve with sauce.