We note right away that papillomas in children are not a single disease, but a group of problems associated with viruses. Most often, papillomas in a child on the body appear due to infection with molluscum contagiosum or HPV (human papillomavirus). The most vulnerable to infection are children with weakened immunity.
If you briefly describe the virus of papilloma in children, it is a benign tumor that forms on the skin. In addition, the virus is contagious and transmitted through household items, toys, damage to the skin. If the mother is sick, then the baby's papilloma can also form. And from the moment of infection to the manifestation on the skin can go from two weeks to a year. There are over seventy kinds of viral papillomas.
Types of papillomas
Papillomas, which are popularly called warts, are usually plural. Thus, papillomas can appear simultaneously on the face of a child, on his body and limbs. Warts localized on the hands are vulgar papillomas, on the hands and face - flat, on the feet - plantar. Sometimes children develop anogenital papillomas and papillomas on internal organs. It is rare to find warts on the scalp, and on the mucous membrane.
Methods of fighting with papillomas
Never try to remove the papilloma by yourself! Remember, the treatment of papillomas in children and adults necessarily begins with their research. The doctor should take a small piece of the wart for a histological examination. When the "good" for treatment is received, it is possible to determine the methods for removing papillomas in children who are in the arsenal of modern
If papillomas appear in adolescence, they represent in most cases an aesthetic problem. A schoolboy is uncomfortable when warts appear on his body, especially on his hands or face. Parents should not ignore the psychological state of the child, because the warts will be joined by more serious problems - complexes. In this case, it is better to get rid of papillomas with the help of doctors, and not wait for their disappearance for months or years.