How to celebrate the year for a child?

On the first birthday, the kid does not understand much, so celebrating is an event rather for the parents, not for the karapuza. It is better to celebrate birthday with people who sincerely love him and took part in his upbringing all this time. And the baby will be more happy when he sees people to whom he is accustomed.

Holiday on the first birthday

Most of the parents seriously think about how and where to celebrate a child, on such a day you can hold an event at home or outdoors in the warm season.

Well, if you can have a picnic in the open air, in a picturesque place. It is always more pleasant and useful, you can play fun, let bubbles, arrange a small competition.

And at home you need to decorate the room with balls, butterflies, flowers. Decoration to the music can do with the baby. It is important to take into account his opinion, fantasy and the holiday will be memorable for the crumbs.

We need to prepare cap-caps, serpentine guests.

In such a holiday it is appropriate to organize contests for adults , which will help them to fall into childhood and at the same time entertain the birthday boy.

For example, each guest takes a crumb on his hands and tries to determine his weight exactly to a gram. And the winner (the one closest to the truth) will be announced by the mother at the end of the competition, the kid will give him the prize.

You can arrange a biographical quiz. Guests must answer, in what street the maternity hospital is located, on what day of the week the baby was born, what is his first word. The one who gives more correct answers wins.

And most importantly - make a tradition to celebrate the birthday of your pet fun and beautiful. Let him grow and rejoice at every new holiday!