Sour Tomatoes

Quenched (soaked) tomatoes are a popular traditional raznosol. A wonderful snack, especially in winter.

Quail should be distinguished from marinating and pickling. This is a complex process, starting with fermentation with its subsequent slowing down with the help of salt and acidic organic compounds formed from sugars as a result of the action of lactic acid bacteria. Quatting gives the product a distinctive taste.

For souring and canning in other ways, the most suitable are red, not watery, strong, dense ripe tomatoes of oval form.

Sour tomatoes in cans - recipe



Calculation of ingredients per one three-liter jar.

In clean cans we lay aromatic herbs (can be cut into large), all dry spices, peeled cloves of garlic and hot red pepper. Tomatoes are sorted, we remove the stems, carefully washed with cold running water and put into cans over the substrate. Do not push especially hard.

Next - we prepare the brine: in 250 ml of boiling water, completely dissolve 50-60 g of large rock salt. Hot, but not boiling solution fill the contents of the can. If there was not enough liquid to the top, add the usual cold water to the jar. We close the jar with a cap cap and shake it.

For 3 days we leave the jars with tomatoes at room temperature. During this time the pickle will start to wander, now it is necessary place canned food in a cool cellar, a storage room or in the refrigerator (if it's already cool outside, you can also on the balcony) and do not touch it for 2 weeks. Of course, if fermented in large containers, everything is done immediately in the cellar.

Green sour cherry tomatoes are also harvested, with the same approximately proportion of ingredients.

Not bad are obtained and sour tomatoes with cabbage, for this in a pre-fermented cabbage (for example, in a tub, enameled pot or plastic barrel), which has already let the juice and is almost ready, lay the tomatoes. They will be ready in 2 weeks.

For the coming season, it will also be appropriate to prepare sauerkraut and marinated mushrooms . Bon Appetit!