Strudel with apples

Strudel - a traditional type of baking in the form of a roll of thin dough with stuffing. The Strudel is coined in Austria and is popular in many European countries, as well as in the Jewish culinary tradition. Various types of strudels are known, including dessert ones, to which the strudel with apples belongs. Sometimes to the apples add some other ingredients, for example, cinnamon, vanilla, raisins, cottage cheese.

How to cook strudel with apples?

The classic traditional approach to cooking any dish is always the most successful, so first we prepare the Viennese strudel with apples, cinnamon and raisins (Apfelstrudel).


For filling:


Sift the flour into a large bowl, make a groove in the slide, add a pinch of salt, eggs, rum and lemon juice. Thoroughly mix. Lubricate the hands with vegetable oil and, gradually pouring water, mix the dough. The dough should turn out not sticking to the hands, elastic and soft. We divide it into 8 pieces. Melt the butter, each piece of dough with a hand (in a thick cake) and smear the melted butter. Now we will join 2 cakes, putting one on the other, transfer them to a flat plate, cover with a food film and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

We make the filling. We will peel apples from peel and seeds, cut into small flat blocks or cubes, mix with washed raisins, sprinkle with sugar mixed with cinnamon and breadcrumbs.

After 2 hours, take the dough from the refrigerator. Again, grease the flat cakes with butter and again put one on the other. It turned out 2. Now roll out each cake in turn on the table, sprinkled with flour, as thin as possible. Lubricate with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. We spread out the filling in the form of strips, a short distance from each other. This is done to avoid cracking of the schruder. We fold the roll and put it on a baking tray, oiled, and better spread over oiled baking paper.

Bake in an oven at medium-low temperature for 40-60 minutes. Readiness is determined visually. In the process of baking 3 times lubricate the strudel with melted butter.

We serve strudel with a filling and coffee. You can also serve chocolate syrup. As you can see, preparing strudel with apples is a rather long and not very simple process.

Strudel with cottage cheese and apples

The dough is prepared as in the previous recipe.

Ingredients for filling:


Roll out the prepared interlaced dough into a thin cake, oil it, sprinkle it with breadcrumbs and spread out the filling in the form of strips a short distance from each other.

We fold the roll, put it on a greased baking sheet. You can spread it with baking paper. Bake the strudel for 40-60 minutes in the oven at medium-low temperature.

You can also try baking a strudel with a cherry or with meat . It is necessary to think, such baking will be wonderful for your guests and home. Especially successfully dessert strudels fit into the Sunday and festive menu. However, the strudel with apples has a high enough caloric value, so do not eat this dish very often.