Spanish tortilla

We are used to the fact that a tortilla is called a thin Mexican cake cooked from cornmeal and serving as an analog of our pita bread. But in Spanish there is a definition for this word. The Spanish tortilla is nothing but a hearty omelet with various additives in the form of a whole variety of meat and vegetables.

On how to make a Spanish tortilla, we decided to talk in detail in this article.

Recipe of Spanish tortilla



In a frying pan, we heat the oil (leave 3 tablespoons) over medium heat. Potatoes cut into thin slices and fry in olive oil with onion. Potatoes and onions should be deep-fried for about 20-25 minutes.

Fried potatoes and onions are put into a deep bowl, slightly cooled and poured with 8 eggs, beaten with salt and pepper. Gently mix the potato-egg mixture and fry it in another pan and 3 tablespoons oil. We wait until the eggs at the bottom of the frying pan seize, cover the dish with a lid and leave for 8-10 minutes over medium heat.

To the top of the Spanish omelette blushed, you can put the dish under the grill for a couple of minutes. A Spanish omelette tortilla with potatoes is served 20 minutes after cooking. You can serve a ready-made tortilla with a light vegetable salad or a slice of bread. Diversify this classic recipe can be any vegetables, hot sausages or minced meat.

Tortilla in Spanish



Bulgarian peppers and onions cut into thin slices, and potatoes - cubes. We heat a tablespoon of butter and fry it onions for 10-15 minutes or until golden. After, add the pepper to the pan and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Pieces of potatoes boil for a couple of 10-12 minutes. Whisk eggs with salt and pepper. Add the chopped green onions.

In a frying pan, melt the butter and fry on it boiled potatoes for a couple of days until a golden crust. Add the rings of onion and pepper, pour all the eggs and leave for 12-15 minutes. In the middle of cooking, cover the omelet with a lid, so that the top is also prepared. Ready to cool the tortilla for 15-20 minutes, cut into slices and serve with a slice of fresh bread.

Tortilla - Spanish omelette with potatoes



In a heated frying pan fry the chorizo ​​sausage (or any other spicy sausage) cut into rings for 2 minutes on each side. We transfer the fried pieces to a plate, and instead of them we put onions cut into thin rings. As soon as the onion becomes transparent and starts to lightly brown, we shift it to a separate plate.

Now it was the turn to lay out thin slices of potatoes in the pan. We wait until the potatoes turn rosy, and then add the previously fried onion and sausage. Pour ingredients in a frying pan whipped with water, salt and pepper eggs, reduce heat and cover the frying pan with a lid. After 15-20 minutes, the Spanish tortilla dish will be on your table.

Serve with a tortilla not with heat from the heat, but after waiting 20-30 minutes for the dish to cool slightly and become more homogeneous. Before serving, the omelet can be sprinkled with herbs or grated cheese, and then browned on the grill.