Coxarthrosis - treatment with folk remedies

Coxarthrosis (or deforming osteoarthritis ) is a disease in which a thinning cartilaginous tissue in the hip joint is replaced by a bone tissue. As a result of pathological changes, gait is violated, human movements are limited and, ultimately, the patient can become completely immobilized.

The first stage of the disease is erased, pain occurs only with physical activity, so the patient does not give them the proper value. But even with the second degree of coxarthrosis, the cartilage is destroyed, and dense patches are formed-osteophytes. The third degree of the disease is characterized by complete destruction of the cartilaginous tissue. When the disease is neglected, drugs can not be dispensed with - anti-inflammatory drugs and chondoprotectors, which improve cartilage nutrition. Doctors often suggest performing a surgical procedure to remove particles of cartilaginous tissue from the hip joint cavity. Patients, as a rule, are wary of surgical intervention, and they are interested in the question: is it possible to treat coxarthrosis without surgery?

Treatment of coxarthrosis by folk methods

Let's put it bluntly: treatment of coxarthrosis with folk remedies is only an aid to the basic therapy. Some plant and other natural substances recommended for the treatment of coxarthrosis at home, contribute to the elimination of pain, restore blood circulation and to some extent help restore mobility to the joints.

To reduce pain

The leaf of cabbage is densely covered with honey, it is applied to the diseased joint, the leg is wrapped around the leg with polyethylene, then with a warm cloth.

Taken in equal proportions leaves of deaf nettle, juniper berries and lard are thoroughly mixed. The composition is rubbed into the inflamed joint.

To strengthen the joint

2 lemons are crushed with zest, pour 2 liters of boiling water. In a cooled liquid, 2 spoons of honey dissolve. The drug is taken every day for half a cup for a month.

120 g of the saber is crushed and, filling 1 liter of vodka, is placed in a dark a place. Permanent for a month means take before meals in the amount of 30 drops. The tincture is suitable for external use.

3 lemons, 250 g of celery root and 120 g of peeled garlic finely chopped, placed in a thermos, poured with boiling water. The composition is allowed to stand for 24 hours. On an empty stomach every morning should be taken for ΒΌ cup of medicinal elixir.

Effective treatment of coxarthrosis with gelatin, due to which the cartilaginous tissue is strengthened. The patient is recommended to include in the diet as often as possible a cold, salty dishes, jelly.